by Scott Creighton
UPDATE: I really hate to do this but... what happened to those $5,000 checks all the 'good people' in the country were supposed to get for keeping their mouths shut while The Elon destroyed the social safety net and the constitution? You spend yours already? On what? 3 dozen eggs?
( ͡° _ʖ ͡°)
We were told it was all going to be roses and Champaign. A honeymoon with beautiful cake and gold toilet seats for our dainty-smelling bums. Winning all over the place.
No peace in the Middle East.
No end to Ukraine war within a day.
Eggs are setting record prices.
And Donald J. Trump has threatened war against every but the Vatican.
His ketamine addled front-man billionaire side show barker, Elon Musk, and his little tribe of Ayn Rand fanboys are wrecking shit left and right and somehow have the authority (not really but everyone pretends) to fire/lay off THOUSANDS of government workers so Elon and The Donald can make room on the books for their big tax breaks.
Here's some winning for ya:
That's what the Dow has lost in the past 5 days. Here's a quick view of how it's been doing this past month (almost all of Trump's second term in office)
Trump is currently making the economy scream.
Tariffs are jacking up prices at the store. Items that cost $8 three weeks ago now cost $12 and there is no way items have come into the country and made it to our shelves that quickly so that means the big chain stores are just jacking up the prices on stuff they bought BEFORE the tariffs.
That's like price gouging when there is a hurricane, you know, when someone jacks up the price of their gas so they can make more profit BEFORE the storm hits.
Same shit.
It's illegal as hell but thanks to the Musky Boy team of perked out boot-lickers, agencies like the CFPB are shuttered, so... who cares!?! Steal all you want Big Business!!! It's a free for all.
There are economists out there trying to spin this as some kind of necessary pain we ALL have to go thru before the glory days when we all start WINNING again.
That's a load of shit. Emperor's New Clothes level propaganda.
What they mean too say is... in order to build you must first destroy. And yes, they want to build. They want to build something along the lines of the Great Reset.
But to reset you must erase and that is where we are now folks.
Feel the winning yet? When you go to the store and can't afford shit, you feel the winning? In Kentucky they are losing millions and millions in sales to Canada. Might even cause the shutdown of bourbon distilleries that have been employing folks for generations for some BS tariffs that wont do anyone any good ever.
Are you screaming yet?
Winning sure looks different than people thought it would. And you know what?
You're gonna BEG TrumpyBear to stop with all the WINNING before it's done.
Oh you will.
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