Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Meryl Nass Goes Full Neoliberal on EPA Destruction

by Scott Creighton

Meryl Nass thinks we gotta break some eggs to make America fascist again.

Get that EPA out of the way of Big Business! Let 'em pollute til the cows can't come home anymore cus they can't see their way through the smog!

Gotta break some eggs for Big Business to be unleashed upon the world for profits and prosperity. Screw your backyard! The invisible hand will clean it up and if not... it's your fault for being poor and living there anyway.

'Sure there will be problems. Sure there will be new and different forms of pollution. Sure people will lose their jobs. And then we will work diligently to fix the messes that resulted as we try to make our country better: more prosperous, healthy, and able to think clearly. Businesses were being smothered, and when the Net Zero targets got implemented, that was going to be the end of American industry.' Meryl Nass
Yeah folks will lose their jobs and property and health and... she forgets to mention... their lives. The lives of their parents, children, friends, pets, neighbors... yeah... so what? asks Meryl. We'll just rebuild in the wake of the Fascist Wet Dream as they count all that prosperity... we'll rebuild and think about it and everything will be alright in the end... says Meryl Nass...

Except of course for the people who loose their lives, land, family, businesses... 

Don't want them glorious businesses to be smothered do we Meryl? 

It's no wonder she was doing panel talks with Frank Gafney and other neocons last summer. She's one of em.

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