Saturday, March 8, 2025

Elon and Shapiro Race-Baiting African Americans with Derek Chauvin Pardon Idea

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: And leave it to Steven A Smith to take up the race-baiting call and amplify it to black social media



On March the 4th Elon Musk reposted a tweet by Ben Shapiro which suggested what Ben was saying was something to think about. What was Ben saying? He was saying President Trump should pardon Derek Chauvin, the officer who kneeled on George Floyd's neck until he died kicking off the Black Lives Matter destabilization campaign in May of 2020.


Musk and Shapiro are trying to get folks angry again so they will go out into the streets and protest against racism... rather than what they are starting to do now... protest against the Billionaire Coup which is currently destroying the country as we know it.

Shapiro's argument is that Chauvin was railroaded and he did NOT have his knee on Floyd's neck and that Floyd died because of his own drug usage. That is patently false.



Of course Musk and Shapiro know the photo above and video of the incident from the other officers' body cams are out there and Ben's version of what happened is starkly contradicted by not only those pieces of undeniable evidence but also by the testimony of several other officers who were there who said they asked Chauvin to let Floyd up because he was having difficulty breathing and Chauvin refused. All of that is on the video.

Shapiro is baiting various demographics to protest. Trying to anger certain people knowing full well his statements will be repeated and harped on by the very same BLM destabilization assets who led the riots in 2020. 

Unlike Elon Musk apparently, Donald Trump says he is not even considering it.

President Donald Trump said Friday he is not considering pardoning Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted for his role in the death of George Floyd, nor was he aware of an influential conservative podcaster's push to reprieve Chauvin of federal charges.

"No, I haven't even heard about it," Trump said when asked whether he's looking at pardoning Chauvin at the request of his allies. "I haven't heard of that." USA Today

This is what the elites try to do when things get tough for them: they try to turn us against each other. Race has always been the easiest domino to flick when they want to get the public looking the other way or at each others' throats.

Shapiro was reading his statement from his laptop. Probably written by someone else paying him to be a shit-stirrer once again. He doesn't care. He would turn-out his own mother for a seat at the Big Table (if you know what that means)

Chauvin didn't intend to kill Floyd. But his callus indifference to a human life that he displayed earned him the convictions he received despite what was done with the incident afterward. 

George, drug addicted or not, was a human being under that officer's knee and he deserved to be treated like one. And he wasn't.

And certain factions used Floyd's death to suit their own purposes back in 2020 just like Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro are trying to do... once again.

It's an obvious and obscene attempt to cause turmoil in America from two people with no moral center whatsoever.

And it just so happens that one of em is the son of a white businessman who made his fortune in South Africa under apartheid.

Remember when Elon laughed about how 'no one cared' about black people being helped to keep from getting AIDS in an African nation when he first shut down USAID?

It's true the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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