Monday, October 2, 2023

“A Carbon Tax OFFSET by Tax Breaks to Big Corporations Will Defeat ISIS™ ” – Thomas L. Friedman (archive)

(archived from September 7, 2014)

by Scott Creighton

When you have a relatively successful psychological operation going on like they do with the U.S. created “ISIS™ Crisis“, what you do as a state propagandist is pile on any and all periphery objectives, getting them linked as best you can to that particular psyop in the public sphere.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” Edward Bernays, Propaganda

What they do is they constantly monitor various polls and online trends and they say “Heck. This “ISIS” thing is really gaining momentum. How can we piggy-back our other agendas on that success ?” and what you end up with is:

  • The “ISIS™ Crisis” is worse than the Nazis sooooo…… let’s attack Iran!

  • The “ISIS™ Crisis” is worse than the Nazis sooooo……let’s pass comprehensive immigration reform so Big Business can cut the cost of labor!

and, believe it or not….

  • The “ISIS™ Crisis” is worse than the Nazis sooooo……STOP GLOBAL WARMING!!!


For example: Henry Kissinger, a devoted Likudnik Israel-firster with unwavering war-mongering eyes toward Iran, who recently lamented that his precious New World Order (undemocratic corporatist “free market” globalization) was in “crisis”

I consider Iran a bigger problem than ISIS” Kissinger

Another example would be how some are using the “ISIS™ Crisis” to push for George W. Bush’s extremely unpopular comprehensive immigration reform that makes up the core principles of Obama’s plan. Propagandists like Laura Ingraham and “alternative” reporter Joe Biggs are both doing their part to link these two “crises” as best they can.

The latest and most far reaching example of how propagandists attempt to tie one globalist cause to another, more successful one, comes from the intrepid Thomas L. Friedman and the New York Times as he tries valiantly to connect the “ISIS™ Crisis” with global warming.

According to Propaganda Tommy, the way to beat ISIS™  (and Putin by the way) is to “lead from within” by passing comprehensive legislation that will:

  • lift ban on U.S. oil exports

  • impose a carbon tax

  • decrease income tax which will benefit the super-wealthy

  • decrease corporate tax to “offset” the carbon tax

  • decrease payroll taxes which will be the final straw to Social Security

You think I’m kidding?

“I DON’T know what action will be sufficient to roll back both the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, and Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, but I do know what’s necessary…The most effective leadership abroad starts with respect earned from others seeing us commit to doing great and difficult things at home that summon the energy of the whole country — and not just from our military families. That is how America inspires others to action. And the necessary impactful thing that America should do at home now is for the president and Congress to lift our self-imposed ban on U.S. oil exports, which would significantly dent the global high price of crude oil. And combine that with long overdue comprehensive tax reform that finally values our environment and security. That would be a carbon tax that is completely offset by lowering personal income, payroll and corporate taxes. Nothing would make us stronger and Putin and ISIS weaker — all at the same time.” Thomas L. Friedman

Forget for a minute that all Mr. Friedman is doing is parroting the wet dreams of a former Bush administration energy secretary Andy Karsner who is “a Henry Crown Fellow of the Aspen Institute, distinguished fellow at the Council on Competitiveness, life member of the Council on Foreign Relations and National Petroleum Council, and participant in the Bilderberg transatlantic dialogue“.  Forget for a second that Karsner is a pure globalist and proponent of Kissinger’s NWO in crisis and has a vested interest in expanding U.S. oil exports (and of course the expanded drilling rights that would have to accompany such legislation (oh look at that… they are already are doing that)). Forget all that or at least try.

Friedman suggests that we come together as a country to do the “hard stuff” which means pass a large, globalist tax, paid to a globalist entity of central banks, on the single most important element on this planet: carbon. Essentially, tax the primary ingredient of all life on the planet in order to stop global warming which isn’t currently happening at the time. We should do all this, according to Friedman, to stop ISIS from making fake beheading videos.

(His idea is that we have to decrease the cost of a barrel of oil and that will stop ISIS and Putin cold in their tracks. What he doesn’t tell you is the price of gasoline will go up due to CARBON TAXES charged to the refineries (being paid by you) and CARBON TAXES added at the pump.  Thus ISIS loses… somehow. It’s like the logic of NAFTA… just don’t look at it. Kinda like the fake beheading videos in that sense.)

It doesn’t matter that everywhere carbon taxes have been imposed, they have been widely rejected by the people of those nations because all they do is increase the cost of living for the people and the profit margins for Big Business and Big Oil. That doesn’t matter to Thomas. I guess that’s what he means when he says “and show the world that we deserve to lead because we’re back to doing big, hard things at home that once again differentiate us”

It apparently also doesn’t matter to Thomas or his fan-boys that his own logic is so seriously flawed.

How is it going to affect anything Big Business does if you “OFFSET” the cost of carbon taxes for Big Business by giving them “TAX BREAKS” at the same time to “COMPLETELY” cover those costs?

The tax breaks for Big Business and the super-wealthy will be enormous as if they aren’t already. The carbon tax scheme will favor favored Big Businesses in so much that they will be CONSIDERABLY LESS than the tax breaks themselves. Big Business will immediately profit and tax-payers will end up in an end-around, paying the carbon taxes to the globalist entity for Big Business.

Then, Big Business will be able to continue polluting as they have and charge the consumer more, because of the cost of doing business going up due to the carbon tax YOU are paying for, and your cost of living will increase substantially… like it has EVERYWHERE this scheme has been implemented.

At the same time, the tax scheme is conditional per business so, just like in the case of the consolidation of the banking industry as the result of the banking industry created “crisis” of 2008, certain businesses will enjoy these benefits while others will be crushed by them, leaving those businesses to be bought up for pennies on the dollar like any good mergers and acquisitions ghouls will tell you. Small businesses, medium sized businesses will be harvested or left to die on the vine, just like the ObamaCare scam did.

You think NAFTA left a sucking sound? Just wait til you hear the roar from Global Warming.

Ergo, more profits for Big Business and Wall Street, a harder time for workers and consumers. And it’s all right there in the plan for anyone to see who’s paying even the slightest amount of attention these days.

I guess Friedman’s idea is if we show ISIS how stupid and self-destructive we really are as a nation of idiots, perhaps they won’t want to turn us into a caliphate.

Oh I know, it’s like that World War Z theory: give ourselves a deadly virus like neoliberalism and the zombie horde will run right by us knowing we’re doomed anyway. Brilliant.

One thing I can’t wait to see is that sell-out Naomi Klein finally sucking up to the New World Order 100% and asking Thomas L. Friedman to appear on some of her Global Warming Tour stops along with her.

Heck, she should get Thomas L. Friedman, Henry Kissinger and John Kerry  to do a combined star-studded show with globalist front-men Angelina Jolie, Di$info Jone$ and George Clooney and they could do the “God COMMANDS US to Stop ISIS™  and GLOBAL WARMING!” show.  Toss in the families of “beheaded” James Foley and Steven Sotloff as well as Al Gore and the guys from South Park and you have a prime-time propaganda spectacular.

Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz Jon Stewart could host it and they could do an emotional tribute to  Joan Rivers where they use a hologram of the monument to poorly advised plastic surgery to come out and tell the audience “If we don’t let Israel kill stupid Palestinian terrorist children, ISIS WINS and GLOBAL WARMING will drown your lovely white kids!!!”

Think of dance numbers. Think of the weepy black and white video segments. THINK OF THE NEOLIBERAL FREE-MARKETS!!!

So there you have it: the ISIS Crisis™, Global Warming™ , Carbon Tax Schemes, “Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran” and all other things the Global Free Market Wars can possibly bring the masters of the universe… all rolled into one.

I guess in the graduate level propaganda courses they teach in the universities these days, after they teach them everything else from Edward Bernays, the last lesson is simply this: just baffle them with so much contradictory ridiculously senseless bullshit in the end they’ll just hand over their wallets and their offspring just to shut you up and get you out of their faces. It’s the old vacuum cleaner door-to-door salesman’s foot in the door technique. Eventually the mark will get so tired of listening to you, they’ll do just about anything to get you to go away as a matter of self-preservation.

Yeah George, we definitely got a front row seat at the Freak Show and I’m about out of note pads. Rest in peace. You tried.

(p.s. – in case you didn’t get it Naomi… go fuck yourself you sell-out…)

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