Monday, October 2, 2023

The People’s Climate March for Billionaire’s Interests – Brought to you by Standard Oil and the NWO! (archive)

(archived from September 22, 2014)

by Scott Creighton

You have to understand that the Rockefellers CREATED the University of Chicago’s School of Economics (a.k.a. neoliberal shock doctrine globalization) and the Rockefellers CREATED the Global Warming Climate Change movement and the Rockefellers CREATED the ‘People’s Climate March”

Fake liberals rejoice! People’s March brought to you by Kissinger, Friedman and all the other Globalist NeoCons you can think of!!

The Washington Post reported that the organizers of yesterday’s People’s Climate March estimated the turnout approached 300,000. From the photos I have seen that is an extremely generous estimate. However, by this morning that number had risen to “more than 400,000” over at the All Obama All the Time propaganda outlet better known as the Huffington Post.


At this rate the mythology of the march will have attendance up to 6.5 billion by the weekend.

With the ISIS™ Crisis having done it’s job and President Peace Prize getting away with actively bombing more citizens in Iraq as they resist our neoliberal puppet regime, the fake left, the pathetically hypocritical and cowardly left, the self-satisfied complacent petty bourgeoisie left needed something they could sink their few remaining teeth into. God knows it wouldn’t be an antiwar message during a democratic presidency. No matter how many kids ObamaGod bombs, cognitive dissidence absolves all.

So, while the war on ISIS™ and their social media campaign of terror exponentially expands via the CIA and State Department (via a 500 million dollar slush fund to arm even more extremists death squads from Saudi Arabia for the Second Coming of the Salvador Option in Iraq), the masters of the universe are pulling out all the stops to give those liberals something on which they can feel holier than thou about once again:   Climate Change.

And the funny thing is, they aren’t even trying to hide the globalist NWO agenda behind the Global Warming movement anymore. It’s out there plain to see for anyone paying attention.

Over at the fake liberal Huffington Post, they are parroting the far right Washington Post’s latest article explaining how the Rockefellers are backing this latest People’s Climate Revolution.

Not only are they backing it, according to the breathlessly sycophantic billionaire worshiping drivel of an article, they claim the Rockefellers are “divesting” from fossil fuel altogether in an effort to save the planet.

Yea! Billionaires will SAVE us! The same billionaires who became billionaires by stealing land, organizing wars, polluting the planet, buying off politicians and creating activist NGOs to lead us around by the nose.


Well, that’s not actually what the Washington Post article is saying, though it certainly is what their misleading headline implies as well.

Can you say “One Party, the Business Party, “democracy”?”

The Huffington Post article is headlined “Rockefellers Divesting from Big Oil” and it is absolutely UNTRUE. What they are actually doing is attempting to cover-up the fact that the Rockefellers have been FINANCING the Climate Change movement from the start.

  • lie: “Rockefellers Divesting from Big Oil“.  Huffington Post

  • truth: “Wayne, the Rockefeller descendant now on the fund’s board of trustees, said her foundation (the Rockefeller Brothers Fund) would first divest its assets from industries involved in coal and tar-sands mining, followed by a more gradual disengagement from other fossil-fuel stocks. Some family members continue to hold stock in Exxon Mobil…” Washington Post

Now, just for the fun of it, how does that translate to the Rockefellers divesting from Big Oil?  Please help me out because I can’t see that translation from English to English in those articles.

The Rockefeller on the board of trustees isn’t even saying the FUND will be divesting in Big Oil, much less the Rockefeller family itself.

She’s saying they will be FIRST divest in coal and tar sands (LNG mainly) mining and then GRADUALLY “disengaging” from “other fossil-fuels stocks”…

When are they going to start the gradual disengagement process? In a hundred years after Obama’s endless war secures every known untapped reserve on the planet?

What’s the actual translation here? The Rockefeller Brothers Fund IS HEAVILY INVESTED IN FOSSIL-FUELS WHILE THEY FUND THE CLIMATE CHANGE MOVEMENT and they intend to REMAIN INVESTED FOR SOME TIME TO COME… “but that’s OK. It’s STILL a “People’s March” all the same.

How’s that for world class spin?

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” Edward Bernays, Propaganda

Talk about cognitive dissonance.

The reality is, the Rockefeller Brother’s Fund has been financing the Global Warming Climate Change movement for a very long time.

Take Bill McKibbon of for example. This “liberal” has been living off the global warming mythology for several years. His money comes directly from institutions like the Rockefeller Brother’s Fund which comes directly from… Big Oil. is one of the main organizing groups for the so-called ‘People’s Climate March”

McKibben’s project is the public face of his 501(c)(3) 1Sky Education Fund, which between its founding in 2007 and 2009 took in close to $5,000,000 in foundation money and “public contributions.” In 2010 the Rockefeller Brothers Fund gave 1Sky $200,000. The key “scientific” paper McKibben points to as support for his dire warnings on climate change, “Target Atmospheric CO2: Where Should Humanity Aim,” coauthored by NASA scientist James Hansen, was partially funded through Rockefeller Foundation money.” James Tracy

As dedicated as Mr. Tracy seems to be, he fails to note that 1Sky was actually CREATED by the Rockefellers long before that 2010 investment and the fact that the Rockefeller family has been involved in funding the Climate Change movement virtually since it’s inception:

In the Rockefeller Family Fund 2007 annual report, it is clear that 1Sky is an actual Rockefeller-initiated NGO. Such incubator projects are common within powerful foundations, although the public has little knowledge of such practices. An example of a Rockefellers’ incubator for an in-house project that later evolved into a free-standing institution is The Climate Group, launched in London in 2004. [1] This practice allows corporate-funded foundation boards to exert influence on the policies and intent of projects. Such projects should be independent of corporate influence if the projects are truly intended to benefit the interests of civil society.

From the 2007 annual report:

In December 2007, the Fund received a pledge from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc. in the amount of $1,000,000, designated to 1Sky, a project of the Fund, for which the Fund provides fiscal and legal oversight. As of December 31, 2007, $100,000 has been received by the Fund towards this pledge, with the remaining $900,000 receivable expected to be collected during 2008.” Cory Morningstar


You see, Mr. McKibben was running a little group called Step it Up 2007 which was pushing for Global Warming reforms way back when. He was walking around conducting little tiny marches. He was eating Oddles of Noodles making his living promoting Global Warming back before the IPCC had to admit the earth had been cooling for quite sometime and they had to change the propaganda campaign to fighting “Climate Change” rather than “Global Warming” since the latter didn’t actually exist.

Oh, McKibben was feeling very very low at that time putting more duct tape on his Walmart cross-trainer shoes (as were the fad at the time)

But then, for Mr. McKibben, the miracle happened: Big Oil came a calling.

1Sky was founded in the spring of 2007 when thirty climate campaigners were on a retreat in the Hudson Valley of New York state.[2] Partners include Step It Up 2007 (and its global successor, the Clinton Global Initiative, Greenpeace, Oxfam, and the Energy Action Coalition.” Wiki

Did you notice how that correlated PERFECTLY with the Rockefeller Family Fund’s 2007 annual report? Nifty how that works, isn’t it?

Yes, Big Oil needed a “grassroots” (a.k.a. “astroturf”) movement to push Global Warming for their own interests and the result was the formation of the very same “anti-establishment” group that is pushing the “people’s” movement today. That’s not conspiracy theory. That’s fact. and 1Sky was created, financed and directed by the Rockefellers and their global oil empire.

Mr. McKibben was taken on a retreat to the exclusive Hudson Valley palatial estate of the Rockefellers. He was told he could either take the bus home to his rented little apartment and continue his “world saving” efforts on his own… OOOR… he could accept the MILLION dollars, change Step It Up 2007 to 1Sky and start being the front man in Big Oil’s phoney war against Big Oil. He could continue living in poverty and obscurity… OOOR he could become a star and hang with celebrities and wear fine clothes and “save the world” at the same time.

You wanna see where the “People Climate March” was born? Here you are:

I don’t know if McKibben was a true believer in the beginning or not. I don’t know if he actually wanted to campaign against Big Business polluting the world rather than giving them the keys to the kingdom like the astro-turf movement is all about today.

But I do know, or at least I imagine, what a ‘retreat’ like that would do to someone.

Imagine walking into something like this. Something like Kykuit, the Rockefeller compound in the Hudson Valley. A place where a piece of art hanging in one of the 20 common bathrooms on the first floor is worth more than you will ever be worth in your entire life.

An activist might just be inclined to allow the cognitive dissonance welling up inside him to take hold thinking “well, at least I can do some good”

Avaaz is the other fake activism group behind the organization of this “people’s” action. They are the darlings of controlled activism movement as far as Wall Street, the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Brother’s Fund is concerned since they approach activism in a Big Business friendly way (too say the least)

It is so disingenuous to present the Rockefellers as somehow divesting themselves from Big Oil or for that matter, being a new arrival on the Climate Change scene, it literally makes me sick to my stomach to hear the scores of news reports bleating out across the MSM in perfectly organized harmony at this time.

It makes me want to take the business end of a lit cigarette to my ear-drums.

However, as offensive as that is, it pales in comparison to how the globalist New World Order is now being made not only public, but mainstream, after decades of insults targeting those of us who dared mention it as potentially a bad thing or mention it at all.

Let me show you something:


People’s March for Carbon Tax NOW!

“The most effective leadership abroad starts with respect earned from others seeing us commit to doing great and difficult things at home that summon the energy of the whole country — and not just from our military families. That is how America inspires others to action. And the necessary impactful thing that America should do at home now is for the president and Congress to lift our self-imposed ban on U.S. oil exports, which would significantly dent the global high price of crude oil. And combine that with long overdue comprehensive tax reform that finally values our environment and security. That would be a carbon tax that is completely offset by lowering personal income, payroll and corporate taxes. Nothing would make us stronger and Putin and ISIS weaker — all at the same time.” Thomas L. Friedman  Sept. 6th 2014

“Our faiths are inextricably linked on any number of things that we must confront and deal with in policy concepts today. Our faiths are inextricably linked on the environment. For many of us, respect for God’s creation also translates into a duty to protect and sustain his first creation, Earth, the planet,”

Confronting climate change is, in the long run, one of the greatest challenges that we face, and you can see this duty or responsibility laid out in Scriptures clearly, beginning in Genesis. And Muslim-majority countries are among the most vulnerable. Our response to this challenge ought to be rooted in a sense of stewardship of Earth, and for me and for many of us here today, that responsibility comes from God.” John Kerry Sept. 4th 2014

Thomas Friedman backing the Climate Change movement? Why would he and “bomb anything for oil” Kerry do that?

Because, that’s what the Rockefellers AND the National Petroleum Council WANT them to do: help push Climate Change reforms so that Big Oil makes TONS of money and the globalist empire can ultimately control everything on the f-in planet. That’s why.

“Forget for a minute that all Mr. Friedman is doing is parroting the wet dreams of a former Bush administration energy secretary Andy Karsner who is “a Henry Crown Fellow of the Aspen Institute, distinguished fellow at the Council on Competitiveness, life member of the Council on Foreign Relations and National Petroleum Council, and participant in the Bilderberg transatlantic dialogue“.  Forget for a second that Karsner is a pure globalist and proponent of Kissinger’s NWO in crisis and has a vested interest in expanding U.S. oil exports (and of course the expanded drilling rights that would have to accompany such legislation (oh look at that… they are already are doing that)). Forget all that or at least try.” Scott Creighton Sept. 7th 2014

This sudden orchestrated concentration on Climate Change is not by chance.  It is the blue-print for a global form of governance known to the elites and a few conspiracy theorists as the New World Order and frankly, this Climate Change push is nothing more than the NWO in disguise. The unusual climate summit being convened Tuesday by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, promises to be an opportunity to save the faltering NWO agenda.

Libya is in civil war, fundamentalist armies are building a self-declared caliphate across Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan’s young democracy is on the verge of paralysis. To these troubles are added a resurgence of tensions with Russia and a relationship with China divided between pledges of cooperation and public recrimination. The concept of order that has underpinned the modern era is in crisis…

… The traditional European approach to order had viewed peoples and states as inherently competitive; to constrain the effects of their clashing ambitions, it relied on a balance of power and a concert of enlightened statesmen. The prevalent American view considered people inherently reasonable and inclined toward peaceful compromise and common sense; the spread of democracy was therefore the overarching goal for international order. Free markets would uplift individuals, enrich societies and substitute economic interdependence for traditional international rivalries

… But vast regions of the world have never shared and only acquiesced in the Western concept of order. These reservations are now becoming explicit, for example, in the Ukraine crisis and the South China Sea. The order established and proclaimed by the West stands at a turning pointHenry Kissinger Sept. 2014

In his new book, “World Order,” Henry Kissinger explains the historic scope of this challenge. His analysis, despite some differences over specific policies, largely fits with the broad strategy behind the Obama administration’s effort over the past six years to build a global architecture of security and cooperation for the 21st century. Hillary Clinton Sept. 2014

“Rebuilding America’s Defenses” – A Summary Blueprint of the PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony Sept. 2000

There you have it. The NWO comes out of the shadows while the People’s Movement is promoted to the front page of every action item list written by the invisible government these days.

This is the endgame folks. They’ve carefully positioned their pieces on the Grand Chessboard and now they are making their move.

It could be because as Kissinger himself put it, the New World Order plans are in crisis.

It could be because the world is turning against their neoliberal globalization at an unprecedented rate as we see the results of their “democracy building” efforts from Afghanistan to Libya to Egypt to Iraq to Ukraine and to Scotland.

It could be because the EU nations are revolting and it looks like the first installment of the Tri-lateral Commission’s grand plan is failing.

It could be because Russian and China are about to devalue the dollar and the inevitable collapse after that will cause a chaos and ruin the likes of which this country has never seen.


… it could be because they figure the American people are so stupid that they will simply jump on any bandwagon after the success of the ridiculous ISIS™ Crisis.

Whatever the reason, it’s a sad day for all of us. True, the People’s March was far smaller than the organizers claim it was or they expected. That’s even with the thousands they bussed in for the day, professional protesters. It was NOTHING compared to Occupy and for that we can all hold out a little hope I suppose.

But, make yourselves ready. This is the propaganda campaign of the hour and it promises to be a long, long hour at that.

Just thought you would like to know where it came from.


UPDATE 1: So, you have the Washington Post and the Huffington Post promoting the false narrative that the Rockefellers are divesting from Big Oil on behalf of global warming. And you also have a complimentary articles saying the same thing on the New York Times , USA Today  and the BBC

And lookie here… the Conde Nast owned “REDDIT” has bumped the story up to the #1 position on their front page making sure everyone gets the inaccurate message.

The Rockefeller family, which made its fortune from oil, is to sell its investments in fossil fuels and put money into clean energy (

submitted 3 hours ago by magpiesam to /r/worldnews

Proving once again that ‘a lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.’

UPDATE 2: Leonardo DiCaprio is making himself available to be the celebrity face of the “People’s” March


Monday, June 16th, 2014 – “After jetting into Brazil to watch the World Cup opening match, Leonardo DiCaprio decided to hit the beach, pointing his luxury yacht toward the famous turquoise waters off Buzios… The “Wolf of Wall Street” star traveled to Brazil on a private jet Wednesday with 21 friends and is staying on a 147-meter yacht that belongs to Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan of Abu Dhabi, the owner of the Manchester City football club.”

DiCaprio and friends enjoying an oil billionaire’s yacht back in June for the World Cup.

His host back then who was gracious enough to loan the “PEOPLES CLIMATE MARCH” celebrity the 5th largest yacht in the world is a member of the ruling family of Abu Dhabi, was born into the position of deputy prime minister of the United Arab Emirates  and he currently sits on the Supreme Petroleum Council and the boards of numerous investment companies including the International Petroleum Investment Company and the Abu Dhabi Investment Council

Sheikh Mansoor’s personal wealth is estimated at around $4.9 billion and within an estimated family fortune of $1 trillion

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