Monday, October 2, 2023

Global Warming Fraud Takes a Big Hit – No Warming Since 1997 (archive)

(archived from January 30, 2012)

by Scott Creighton

The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.”

“… Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.” Daily Mail

The Global Warming scam was never about saving the planet from anthropomorphic climate change. It was always about setting up a global authority to dictate which nations could manufacture and develop their industries and which couldn’t. It was about setting in place a global taxation scheme which would tax individuals as well as out of favor businesses unfairly. It was about creating Carbon Markets like the failed examples in Europe and Chicago which would buy and sell carbon credits and then create the next massive derivative bubble behind them. And ultimately, Global Warming was about regulating carbon, the basic building block of all life (and most matter) on this planet. It was about money, power, and control. Just another day at the office for the globalist set.


I have been writing about the Global Warming scam since early 2009. I never bought into it because I didn’t listen to people like Al Gore when he arrogantly claimed to congress that “the science was in” and there would be no more debate allowed on the subject. When someone tells me something like that, I tend to do a little research. Usually there is a reason people don’t want you looking up subjects on your own.

I found out pretty quickly that the research from the Climate Research Unit showed there had been no global warming since the late 1990′s and in fact we were in a cooling trend. I also found out that they had a tenancy to drop monitoring stations from their sample sets in order to conclude a global warming consensus. They are apparently still trying the same thing.

Phil Jones of the Climate Research Unit admitted back in Feb. of 2010 that the cooling trend was observed and that there had been “no significant” warming since 1995.

“Question: Do you agree that from January 2002 to the present there has been statistically significant global cooling?

Jones: No. This period is even shorter than 1995-2009. The trend this time is negative (-0.12C per decade), but this trend is not statistically significant”  BBC

The recent announcement by the Met office and the Climate Research Unit is therefore nothing new. It got little attention but it is consistent with Phil Jones’ earlier statements. Keep these things in mind as well.

  1.  IPCC admits “flaw” in sea levels study – “A background note by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said a 2007 report wrongly stated that 55 percent of the country was below sea level since the figure included areas above sea level, prone to flooding along rivers.”
  2.  Former IPCC author says the data they relied on was “flawed” – “The temperature records cannot be relied on as indicators of global change,” said John Christy, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, a former lead author on the IPCC.”
  3.  IPCC admits melting glacier statement was “Flawed” – “The assertion, now discredited, was included in the most recent IPCC report assessing climate change science, published in 2007. Those reports are widely credited with convincing the world that human activity was causing global warming.”
  4. NASA just put out a study claiming that 2011 was the 9th hottest year on record. That little gem of a news story got a lot of attention from all around the political spectrum, but this story doesn’t seem to be getting much traction. Go figure.

If you take a second and look at what NASA did, it becomes clear how they came to their conclusion.

“The temperature analysis produced at GISS is compiled from weather data from more than 1,000 meteorological stations around the world, satellite observations of sea surface temperature and Antarctic research station measurements.”  NASA

The latest Met Office and Climate Research Unit conclusion was based on “readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations” .  NASA’s Goddard Institute just had to drop out somewhere around 29,000 inconvenient meteorological stations from around the globe and bingo-dingo… you get one of the hottest years on record.

If this seems like they are still trying to massage the data like the Climategate scandal showed us they were more than capable of doing, that would be a rational conclusion to come to.

They have tried to rush legislation through congress by fabricating an emotion based appeal to urgency on this topic for years. Remember the Photoshopped Polar bear on the iceberg?  How about the doom and gloom rising sea level studies and the disappearing glaciers that were going to crack off and drop into the ocean creating 1,000 foot tidal waves to wipe us all out?

They even tried to change the name of the threat from Global Warming to Climate Change once they understood that we were finding out the climate had been cooling for years. Some piece of crap propaganda movie came out trying to make the case that Global Warming was causing Global Cooling and that we were all still doomed.

In the end, you can’t believe anything these guys say… ever. There is WAY too much money at stake and WAY too much money being pumped into the “research” to support the globalist’s agenda.

Suffice to say this information has been out there for a while and many leading climate researchers like Phil Jones have already had to acknowledge it. But again, it won’t do any good if it doesn’t get out to the general population. They will go on regurgitating the lies of people like Hanson at the Goddard Institute till Wall Street has their new derivatives market and the carbon police are inspecting our trashcans on a daily basis.

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