Monday, October 2, 2023

Hank Paulson Pushes Global Warming “Climate Crash” for his Billionaire Partners at Risky Business (archive)

(archived from June 23, 2014)

by Scott Creighton

THERE is a time for weighing evidence and a time for acting…For too many years, we failed to rein in the excesses building up in the nation’s financial markets. When the credit bubble burst in 2008, the damage was devastating. Millions suffered. Many still do. We’re making the same mistake today with climate change.

… We need to craft national policy that uses market forces to provide incentives for the technological advances required to address climate change. As I’ve said, we can do this by placing a tax on carbon dioxide emissions. Many respected economists, of all ideological persuasions, support this approach. We can debate the appropriate pricing and policy design and how to use the money generated. But a price on carbon would change the behavior of both individuals and businesses. At the same time, all fossil fuel — and renewable energy — subsidies should be phased out. Renewable energy can outcompete dirty fuels once pollution costs are accounted for.

… To add reliable financial data to the science, I’ve joined with the former mayor of New York City, Michael R. Bloomberg, and the retired hedge fund manager Tom Steyer on an economic analysis of the costs of inaction across key regions and economic sectors. Our goal for the Risky Business project — starting with a new study that will be released this week — is to influence business and investor decision making worldwide.” Hank Paulson, June 21, 2014

Henry “Hank” Paulson, former Goldman Sachs CEO, failed to rein in the excesses of the financial market place for years. In fact, he did everything he could to ensure that the sub-prime mortgage bubble, created by the same financial institutions he serves, would cripple the economy forcing an ideological shift in the economic structure of the United States (anti-entitlement programs, harsh austerity… a.k.a. neoliberalism) and every other country places like Goldman Sachs could sell off their toxic derivative economic WMDs.


The results were breathtakingly bad for the average citizen ranging from heavy losses in their retirement nest-eggs to the losses of their homes, jobs and pensions. But big finance profited immensely  by selling the bad loans, to bundling them into toxic assets, to betting against their inevitable failure, to forcing congress to bail them out in the end to the tune of trillions upon trillions of dollars, to the consolidation of the banking industry, the likes of which has never been seen in the history of mankind.

Yesterday, the Sunday Review of the New York Times published an op-ed by Mr. Paulson in which he touted the desperate need to impose a carbon tax on individuals and businesses to combat man-made global warming. He specifically cited “Hurricane Sandy and the deadly Oklahoma tornadoes”  as proof of the dire consequences that are coming if we don’t give in as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter to Mr. Paulson that Sandy was neither a hurricane, nor did it have anything to do with global warming, according to the experts writing about it at the time.

Without getting into the debate regarding man-made global warming, I wanted you to see who it is exactly behind this push of the “climate change” ideology. Paulson has provided us an opportunity to look a little closer at the kinds of folks behind all of this. We’ll take his group, the Risky Business project as an example.

Remember, Mr. Paulson is a pure neoliberal zealot and chairman of the Paulson Institute at the University of Chicago. Yes, that is the same University of Chicago that CREATED neoliberalism in the first place. People like Bloomberg, Paulson, Rubin and Shultz need no further explanation of their neoliberal credentials.

Risky Business Project co-chairs:

Tom Steyer   ” Steyer worked at Goldman Sachs from 1983-85 as an associate in the risk arbitrage department under Robert Rubin“”An early supporter of Hillary Clinton for President, Steyer became one of Barack Obama’s most prolific fundraisers””Asked whether he would accept an appointment to be United States Secretary of Energy, Steyer said yes””Steyer has been accused of “cronyism”. Steyer, one of the backers of Greener Capital, will benefit from the anti-oil policies of the Obama administration“Risky Business Risk Committee:

  • Henry Cisneros – “a member of the Advisory Boards of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Broad Foundation, among others. He also took a role in corporate leadership and has served as a board member for Live Nation, in addition to the boards of major builder KB Home and the largest mortgage lender in the nation at one time, Countrywide Financial — two companies among many that prospered in the housing boom” Deputy Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 1991–1992, Board Member, National Endowment for Democracy, 1990, Member, The Rockefeller Foundation, 1989–1992, Member, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, 1985–1993

  • Robert Rubin -

  • George P. Shultz -

  • Gregory Page – chair of the board of Cargill Inc.

The global warming pretext for the globalist carbon tax scheme has not gone quietly into the night. There is too much money and control at stake for folks like billionaire Bloomberg, George Shultz and Hank Paulson to give up without a fight. What they pocketed as a result of the sub-prime mortgage bubble pales in comparison to what is at stake now. And when you consider the banks have become too big too jail and we are still ponying up 87 billion dollars a month in a prolonged endless ‘bailout”, that puts it into perspective just how much money this long scam promises to pay the Masters of the Universe in the end.

Aside from the money, imagine giving the Chicago Boys the power to dictate to individual states and other countries exactly which industries they can and cannot develop all because of the scary “global warming” monster hiding under the bed. They will essentially control everything from development, to industry, to economy, to trade of every state, of every nation. Nations which stand opposed to their restrictions will be labelled “climate terrorists” and we all know what happens to terrorists these days, don’t we.

You can argue the merits of global warming all you want. You can change it’s name, change it back based on however the wind blows and the tides turn. You can cite fake pictures of ice-caps or Al Gore’s 13 lies till you’re blue in the face. I don’t care.

This is what global warming is all about. Control. And these people being exposed at the heart of it all makes that perfectly clear. Go ahead and go to rallies, carry signs, sign petitions, join a drum circle for all I care… just know you’re doing the work of Shultz, Paulson, Rubin, Bloomberg and all the other billionaire hedge-funders and Masters of the Universe when you do it. Five years from now when you can’t afford to use your computer because electricity is through the roof and we are bombing Venezuela because they are “climate terrorists”, don’t complain to me.

Just like Obama in 2008… I warned you.

1 comment:

  1. And guess who's still in on things directing operations near the very top to this day in 2023?
    Y, it's Hank Paulson. Another Henry. What are the odds!

    See here, in the pic behind and over Kissofdeathinger's right shoulder!:
    This was a month ago taken during his 100th visit to china, in on the Pooh parade of special advisors.
    What would the Skipper's Little Buddy say about this. LOL.

    BRICS Expansion Has Rattled the Western Financial System.
