Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Stunning NYT Presentation Shows Extent of Israel's Barbaric Genocide in Gaza

This is a scorched earth campaign to exterminate the remaining Palestinians in order to steal their land right out from under them. They are using the military campaign as the demolition part of the project to build new structures and make themselves a new casino destination spot in Gaza. This is a war crime.


Common Dreams https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/if-everything-is-antisemitic-then-nothing-is

NYT https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/12/12/world/middleeast/gaza-strip-satellite-images-israel-invasion.html

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  1. https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=277784
    WEF warns 2024 likely to bring ‘catastrophic’ cyber event

    How doooo they know?
    Is it already penciled in on their calendar?
    Whose turn in the rotation will it be to get the blame then?
    Will it be evil Iran (last week's culprit announced for that water treatment plant somewhere)?
    Or will it be those evil Chinee, maybe done with some kind of overhead rogue balloon with built-in EMP ?
    So don't think you'll be safe and immune from Mr. Pooh's wrath just cuz you're survival living in an insulated lean-to outside Armpit, Indiana!
    Or will it be attributed to USCybercommand, who never seems to get any love or credit, even tho they've been in existence a decade now, on a black budget?

  2. Be afeared! Be very very afeared.
    Specially when u seethe likes of this ZH spewing this claptrap horseshit hysteria.
    a very easily identified deep snake owned sewage outlet posing as a fearless truther.
    That known shortly after its appearance out of nowhere in 2009, and of course several years now that IT'S OWNED BY ABC!!

    They should be required by law under honest reporting to have a big warning logo right at the top of every page stating "Ghost of BaBa WaWa inside".


  3. Canada will support investigations into Israeli military conduct, Joly says | Power & Politics

  4. Scores of these up.
    plight of various towns imploding in the land of Evil Chuckie.
    While he's out lording over the whole GDF world (or so he thinks in his insane megalomania) at COP28.

    The Poorest Town In Britain: "We Live On Nothing And We're Just Surviving"

    It’s a weekday morning on Grimsby’s East Marsh estate - where residents are beginning their day in the poorest part of the nation. Of course, that’s not to say everyone here is living on the poverty line - but the data is striking.
