Friday, December 1, 2023

This is why Israel plans to bury hundreds of cars, with ashes and blood stains

(A simple examination of the vehicles would show they were destroyed by military grade high explosives, not something that Hamas has access to... so the IDF decided to shred the remains of the vehicles and bury them in the one place they know no one will ever get a chance to exhume them, Jewish cemeteries. Not only are they burying the evidence, but they are hiding behind the memories of those they themselves killed.)

from Jerusalem Post

Due to the lack of body parts or remains of many of those killed in the October 7 Hamas massacre, the ZAKA has recommended burying the cars of those who were killed in them.

ZAKA Tel Aviv is the emergency response unit of central Israel, serving in over 21 cities across the country with thousands of volunteers, and is recognized as a civil extension of Israel’s emergency services and the only emergency response unit authorized to operate in central Israel. One of the organization’s units is dedicated to ensuring “dignity in death,” particularly in situations of sudden or unexpected loss.

N12 reported on Tuesday that the organization, after intense and distressing efforts, concluded that they could not locate or clean all the remains of the victims inside the vehicles in which they were slaughtered...

read more here


  1. Memories of the disposal of Twin Tower evidence ...

  2. Yeah, iirc they took some of the towers steel and forged a coast guard cutter or some such about that size 700 tonnes.
    in memoriam i guess.

    it's back on sure enuf.
    Now that Operation R&R&R&R is over (rest, rejuvenate, reload, rearm).
    Which is all it was for.

  3. Sounds suspiciously worked lower, a lot lower, than this 70,000 number they're peddling, especially as they are counting as 1 unit item every bomb and missile.,000-weapons-since-1950

    1. FirstPost aka WION aka CRUX, aka CNNIndia etc pretending to do some hand-wringing over the COST of this!

      American Taxpayers Are Footing the War Bill. Here's How | Vantage with Palki Sharma
      1 day ago


    First, Henry has left the building!:

    Now the other good news---i have already learned through a seance he has been already 'recycled' aka reborn to a kharmic level worthy commensurate of his earthly deeds, to whit a rocky mountain tick. that nasty evil disease and misery spreading
    parasite now found many regions of usa, not just the west.

    So if u spot one, just remember it could be him, and take action knowing there are 2 very cheap quick and easy well known time tested ways to dispatch one of these Nasti mfers (if unattached)!:

  5. Good circle chart here shows the OPEC+ and allied oil producing countries how much daily. Russia/S.A. neck and neck 10.4MM each.:
    Russia & Saudi Drops Sudden BOMBSHELL, "The Economy Will Suffer"
    sean foo dec1

    BTW also he shows data/charts how JAPAN is cratering this year, shown in huge drop crude imports, and collapsing GDP!

  6. "Fighting to the end".
    Nutty's own words his site message NOV29.

  7. GEE, i wonder how they knew a full year before, yet did nothing??

    New York Times report says Israel knew about Hamas attack over a year in advance
