Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Congressman praises heckling of Israel-Hamas war protesters: 'Ole Miss taking care of business'

by Scott Creighton

 'Israel-Hamas war demonstrations at the University of Mississippi turned ugly this week when one counter-protester appeared to make monkey noises and gestures at a Black student in a raucous gathering that was endorsed by a far-right congressman from Georgia. “Ole Miss taking care of business,” Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Collins wrote Friday on the social platform X with a with a link to the video showing the racist jeers.' AP

Seems like this situation has allowed certain folks the ability to think they can finally let their racist side out into the sunshine for a little while. People like these can't say anything about blacks or Chinese or Mexicans anymore.. but damn it all... those 'terrorists' let them unload all their racist hate on Muslims or Arabs or Palestinians.

Saying someone is a 'Palestinian supporter' is the new 'Nigger Lover' slur for these scumbags and as you can tell, they revel in it.

Most of them were too smart to let their hate flow too freely. Not that one dude. He's done. I wonder how he will fare in his next class sitting next to his darker skinned fellow classmates.

Not going to go to well I imagine. Nor should it.

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