Wednesday, May 29, 2024

US politician Haley writes 'finish them' on Israeli shell for Gaza

(When she was running for president Nikki Haley talked about how little respect she had for Donald Trump as a person. She talked about what a tragedy it would be if he were in office again. Now she endorsed him. She is a callous, morally vapid opportunistic grifter. I have more respect for those on the right and the left who make statements and stick to them. Here she is doing a photo-op sucking up to AIPAC and the soulless Zionists who run D.C. Keep in mind she wrote that on a shell to be used in Gaza the day after Bibi and the rabid Zionists bombed a refugee camp in Rafah killing 46 innocent people.)

from Daily Sabah


Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. and presidential hopeful Nikki Haley has been photographed writing "Finish Them" on an Israeli shell likely to be used in Gaza.

The incident occurred earlier Monday as she toured sites near the northern border with Lebanon.

The photograph was posted on X on Tuesday by Danny Danon, a member of the Israeli parliament and former ambassador to the United Nations, who was accompanying Haley on her visit.

"'Finish Them'. This is what my friend the former ambassador Nikki Haley wrote," Danon said in his post that showed a kneeling Haley writing on a shell with a purple marker pen.

Haley was a hawkish U.N. envoy under Donald Trump and her term overlapped with Danon...

read more here


  1. MSM still ongoing whoring themselves out for big pharma, carrying on smoke screening to cover against the wreckage rail left by the clotshots.
    Bashing on the chiros again, as they've always done.---RISKY!

    Catch the comment near start of Dr. Makis Edmonton 18min video MAY28 about the blood clots up 405% UK in young adults, where he says he's got xx THOUSAND human damage reports from all over he's behind on reviewing.

    Risk-associated” means the dangers associated with the therapy outweigh its benefits. Of the people who said they had tried risk-associated alternative health care in the last year, 68 per cent said they had tried physical manipulation, such as forceful chiropractic spinal or cervical manipulative procedures, and 55 per cent said they had tried herbal/nutritional supplements, making supplements and physical manipulation the most popular therapies.

    1. EXACT case to make the point shows up, even Dr.Makis is amazed how BLACKED OUT this is, endless daily news like this breaking every country.

      Winter of DIED SUDDENLY - 72 Firefighters have died recently - COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine mandates continue to kill first responders at a frightening rate

  2. Hey Dick-wads, what do your comments have to do with the young WarHag Nimarata? Don't troll, bastids, for clicks.
