Sunday, May 26, 2024

US should erect monument(s) to (CIA Assets) Assange (and Snowden) – RFK Jr.

 (In April of 2004 the Abu Ghraib leaked photos went public. In Oct of 2006 the CIA's WhyKeyLeaks honeypot operation was launched to trick future whistleblowers into giving them their files so they could be trashed and the whistleblowers disappeared. In Nov of 2012 nearly 800 major US corporations contributed tons of cash to US politicians to get them to pass CISPA, legislation which would allow for the privatization of the surveillance state. In May of 2013 'Snowden' psyop pushed for that very same legislation, then called CISA. For the record, CIA killed RFK Jr.'s father and uncle. Now he serves them. Just sayin)

from RT


The US authorities should stop prosecuting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and instead erect a monument in Washington DC to celebrate his “heroic” deeds, independent US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has said. He insisted that the case against Assange runs counter to the freedom of the press.

The US indicted the WikiLeaks founder under the Espionage Act for assisting whistleblower Chelsea Manning in a 2010 disclosure of hundreds of thousands of classified documents related to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Assange is now battling US attempts to extradite him from Britain...

According to the independent presidential candidate, “Assange should be celebrated as a hero for doing exactly what journalists are supposed to do, which is to expose government corruption.”...

Kennedy went on to say that the “same is true for Edward Snowden, who exposed illegal spying by the NSA,” calling the US whistleblower a “hero, not a criminal.”...

read more here  


  1. With 18 internal "domestic" intel/security gov/mil agencies, and yet most every one operating int'l at least in bilateral agreements but mostly multilaterally (they're even cooperating to keep u even safer!), it's hard to say that it's been 'privatized'.
    Now u take the defense companies (the 'I' in MIC)---they're all public share listed companies, and they're doing Grrrreat!

    Here's the show he referenced in those 2 recent 45 minute mini-show interviews of just 1 week ago where ALLL the physiologic pathways & mechanisms of NICOTINE are detailed and how it does it.
    He's actually doing seminars usa and mx where he educates the ignoranti (md's) on what's going on with this.
    A real rare keeper.
    But also to share with anyone with "long covid", or any of the even nastier side-effects of those clotshots, chronic or acute.

    Dr, Bryan Ardis Show
    Rumble 2.5 Hours

    1. Dovetails great with this recent MCAS talk, another disease acronym that's now almost mainstream thanks to the cough&cough.

      So 4+ hours here to get thru, take notes and compare .
      Mast cell activation syndrome
      Dr. John Campbell
      242K views 2 days ago

  2. BAD BAD NEWS, note what this's showing up LATER by 1 year than expected even by me, but showing up now it is!
    COULD BE because they Canucks are all mandated to be up on their shots, maybe other teams not.

    (PAID episode, so can post only the title):
    STANLEY CLOT - NHL Player Brock Boeser out of Game 7 with DVT blood clot and NHL's most vaxxed team, Vancouver Canucks, are out of Stanley…
    May 20, 2024 - NHL Vancouver Canucks hockey player Brock Boeser missed Game 7 with Edmonton Oilers because of a blood clot in his leg. Edmonton won Game…

  3. Here's DR. BEEN on this disraceful Dr. Moron lowlife and his actions being exposed at that hearing.
    Has selected short clips of the nastier facts that came out.

    Shocking Behavior of NIAID/NIH Sr. Scientific Advisor Dr. David Moren During the COVID Pandemic

    Today's hearing of Dr. David Morens at the select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic is shocking. It is unbelievable that during the COVID era's evil hardships some people in our agencies were acting inappropriately or even potentially criminally.
    Drbeen Medical
