Friday, May 31, 2024

Joe Biden Sent the Salvador Option to Gaza in Mid Oct

by Scott Creighton

Lt. Gen James Glynn was sent to Israel in mid October 2023 to help the IDF 'plan for a conflict with as few civilian casualties as possible' says the propaganda.

Among the “military advisers” being dispatched to Israel is Marine Corps Lt. Gen. James Glynn, who previously helped lead special operations forces against the Islamic State and served in Fallujah, Iraq, during some of the most heated urban combat there, according to a US official who is not authorized to discuss Glynn’s role and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Glynn is responsible for one of the bloodiest campaigns in the history of the Iraq War and one of the first. But not only that, in-between in 2008 he wrote in support of something called the Salvador Option being used in Iraq to deal with the insurgency and civilian support base that kept it going. 

The Salvador Option is the use of death squads to capture, torture and kill civilians who don't like our occupation. 

That is what we sent to Israel two weeks after Oct. 7th incursion by an occupied people.

Is it any wonder that Biden continues to support the genocide no matter what?

Is it any wonder the genocidal Zionists feel above the law?

The propaganda goes that Gen. Glynn went to Fallujah in 2016 to stop 'ISIS' (remember the fake beheading videos?) and that they had to retake Mosul from 'ISIS' in Oct of 2026 using a crack band of mercenaries, Kurds and terrorists he cobbled together calling them the Counter Terrorism Service. Got the propaganda right there in the name.

 '“CTS has been a mainstay of the fight against ISIS/Daesh here in Iraq and they’ve suffered their fair share of casualties as a result of this,” said U.S. Marine Corps Brig. Gen. James F. Glynn, the deputy commanding general for Special Operations Joint Task Force ― Operation Inherent Resolve.'

Turns out he wasn't fighting 'ISIS' but instead he was fighting the General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries (GMCIR) which were a group of Iraqis determined to take their country back from the neoliberal puppets we installed before we left. Can't allow that, right?

'abbreviated as GMCIR or MCIR,[3] is a Ba'athist militant group active in Iraq headed by Saddam Hussein-era military and political leaders.[4] It has been described by Al Jazeera as "one of the main groups" in the Iraqi insurgency.[5] 

The figures associated with the MCIR have stated that it has a central command and "the footprints of a professional army",[4] that it follows the Geneva Convention protocol rules,[7] as well as claiming to be non-sectarian and seeking a "democratic solution" to the Iraqi crisis

The MCIR has a presence in Al Anbar Governorate (especially Ramadi and Fallujah), Saladin, Baghdad, Abu Ghraib, Mosul, and Diyala.[5] After seizing and capturing Mosul, the MCIR entered it along with many opposition armed forces

A municipal worker described MCIR as administering the management of the city better than the Iraqi government, which was "providing electricity for only 2 or 3 hours a day," and was "corrupt.

Interestingly, the problem with Mosul was that the people of Mosul supported the fight the GMCIR was waging. They wanted the colonial Americans and their puppets out of power.

Hmm... sound familiar yet?

It did to someone else as well...

Comparing Gaza with Mosul - Jan 2024 - Jerusalem Strategic Tribune 

' When the war broke out in Gaza, observers made a number of comparisons to the challenges faced by the US-backed anti-ISIS coalition in the battle of Mosul. I was in northern Iraq when it began in October 2016, and I covered the battles leading up to the liberation of the old city of Mosul in March and April 2017. I also reported on the ISIS war in other areas and was able to see how ISIS used tunnels to hide from US aircraft, much as Hamas uses tunnels in Gaza, although the ISIS tunnels were much less extensive. ISIS brutality was similar to the crimes of Hamas...

In general the size of Gaza City and its environs matches well with Mosul. Each has around two million residents in a large urban area. The challenge for Israel and for the Iraqi army were similar. The enemy was hidden among civilians and in civilian areas. ISIS had several years to fortify Mosul, while Hamas had almost two decades. In both cases the armies that were arrayed to defeat the terrorist group had to find a way to get civilians to move out of the way of the fighting.' 

The American trained Iraqi death squads were accused of various forms of war crimes during the battle for Mosul in 2016 - 2017. check here and here

But that's not the end of Lt. Gen. Glynn's resume. Not by a long shot.

'The United States is sending Israel military advisers who led massacres in Iraq. The intention is to pass on Western imperialism’s experience of urban warfare and how to destroy opponents.

One of the officers leading the assistance is Marine Corps Lt Gen James Glynn. He played a top role in the battles in the city of Fallujah.

In November 2004 the US dropped massive quantities of white phosphorus on the city killing Iraqi fighters and civilians with the appalling burns that are the signature of this weapon.

The US government at first formally denied reports of its war crime. But a year later indisputable evidence emerged.' Socialist Worker

Glynn used to be known as the Butcher of Iraq. He killed women and children indiscriminately from 2004 in Fallujah to 2017 in Mosul.

But that's still not the end of it.

In 2007 war criminal Donald Rumsfeld had to admit they brought the Salvador Option to Iraq. In 2008 then Lt Col Glynn wrote a white paper explaining  (PDF) how this was not only a great idea but that it was a solid policy when dealing with an insurgency among a supportive population.

The Salvador Option is an approach to counter-insurgency warfare involving the use of death squads utilised by the United States Department of Defense during the Salvadoran Civil War.[1] The term was later used in the context of counter insurgency operations coordinated by Colonel James Steele, a retired special forces veteran who was nominated by Donald Rumsfeld to help organise Shi'ite paramilitaries in an attempt to quell a Sunni insurgency during the Iraq War.

Death Squads. Biden sent a practitioner of the Salvador Option (death squads) to Israel in mid Oct of 2023 in order to help 'protect civilian lives'

The first battle for Fallujah, which Glynn was involved with, killed 200 insurgents and 600 civilians 300 of whom were either women or children.

During Glynn's Battle for Mosul in 2017 in which he personally trained his Salvador Option death squads, the numbers are strikingly higher:

'In the 2016-2017 Battle of Mosul, the biggest urban battles since WWII, the U.S. led Iraqi Security Force killed 10,000 civilians to destroy 4,000 ISIS in the city. That is a 1 to 2.5 combatant to civilian death ratio.'

He slaughtered 10k civilians to stop the GMCIR uprising in that area. An uprising supported by the people in an effort to reclaim their country from our occupation.

Does that sound familiar?

We have been looking at this the wrong way all along.

Biden is feeble. Out of it. They keep him on drugs all the time. His administration is run by zealots, Clintonites and neocons.

And by 'they' I mean the Zionists, financiers and the MIC. All of whom have a vested interest in wiping Palestine off the map once and for all.

They understand that Hamas finally had enough and decided to do what they did on Oct 7th in an effort to bait Zionist Israel in and let the condemnation of the rest of the world at their brutality finally bring about the recognition of the state of Palestine.

What these monsters are doing is, they are showing Hamas and Palestine that there is no condemnation they care about as they ramp up their genocidal war crimes right out in the open, in an effort to thwart Hamas's plan by being even more genocidal than anyone thought they could be.

If you don't know by now... that is the Salvador Option.

We taught the Israelis that. We planned the Nakba Bridge and Highway 749. We gave them carte blanche to do as they will with the civilians in Gaza because they support Hamas and resistance, which is what the Salvador Option is designed to destroy.

That's why they claimed everyone in Gaza is Hamas, even 4-year-old kids. 

Because that is the ideology of the Salvador Option which Biden's man Gen. Glynn went over there to explain to em.

Joe Biden's hands are as bloody in this as Bibi's.

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