Sunday, May 26, 2024

Are Genocidal Zionists Blackmailing RFK Jr. with Lolita Express Info? Inquiring Minds Want to Know

by Scott Creighton

Do you wonder why RFK Jr. gave in and started sucking up to the Zionist so quickly and completely after he made his comment about China and 'Ashkenazi Jews' not catching Covid-19? 

A recent slip during an interview on Zionist shill Tim Pool's podcast might just clear things up a bit.

First a little background info:

'Robert F. Kennedy Jr. grappled with what he called his biggest defect — “my lust demons” — while keeping a scorecard of more than two dozen conquests, according to his secret diary.

The thick, red journal was found in their home by his wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, who, distraught over their impending divorce and Kennedy’s serial philandering, 'committed suicide' last year...' Post

 'A Post reporter who questioned Kennedy Friday about the diary was first met with six seconds of stunned silence.

“I don’t think there is any way you could have a diary or journal of mine from 2001,” Kennedy then said. “I don’t have any comment on it. I have no diary from 2001.” Post

  • Richardson married Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on April 15, 1994
  • On May 12, 2010, Kennedy filed for divorce from Richardson. Kennedy and his wife separated when he filed for divorce.
  • On May 16, 2012, Richardson was found dead at her home in Bedford, New York 

'The couple was not yet divorced when she died and were bitterly arguing over issues involving custody and finances.' Post

Turns out, Mary Richardson Kennedy found his little red book of conquests and was heartbroken over it. It made her sick. She separated from him and his people filed for divorce so it would look better for him but they didn't push it through meaning he wanted reconciliation when she did not. Because he was a Kennedy he won custody of the kids then he set out to smear her good name making all kinds of claims about her abusing him and being an addict. However:

 'In the summer of 2001, Kennedy writes that “I have been given everything that I coveted — a beautiful wife and kids and loving family, wealth, education, good health and a job I love yet always on the lookout for something I can’t have. I want it all,” he writes. “No matter how much I have — I want more.” Post

Her 'suicide' was certainly convenient for RFK Jr. It put to rest any worries about his behavior and infidelity coming out during a very public divorce proceeding. Plus, given his own hand written journal entrees, it was very likely, since divorce judges often side with the mother in the end when it comes to questions of custody, he was probably going to lose his kids.

That wouldn't look good for Camelot. 


As you see above, RFK Jr. is a liar.

He's also a straight up POS.

'Missing from this emotional scene were Mary’s siblings. They had hurried to Bedford after learning their sister hanged herself with a rope in the barn on her 10-acre estate. Bobby, who the morning after the body was found worked out at a local gym, asked them to leave, says a friend of Mary’s. “They were also told they were not welcome at the funeral.” People

In several interviews this year RFK Jr. claims he rode on Lolita Express only twice and suggests the first time, back in '93, was due to his wife's friendship with G. Maxwell. 

Of course Maxwell is unavailable for questions and Mary is dead. So...

But during this interview with Tim Pool, RFK Jr. seems to slip up and admit he took 4 trips with Epstein... not two. And he says... he took his kids along with him.

This is a guy who had written in his little red book about his 'lust demons'

Also notice during the interview how defensive he becomes when asked specifically about children being on board the flight. Notice how he practically drools when talking about some blonde Jeff hooked up with after getting off the flight.

Now keep this in mind: G. Maxwell's father was a Mossad agent and many speculate that Jeff Epstein and G. Maxwell used these flights and little trips in order to get dirt on political and powerful people that could be used against them later when various interests needed something.


“I think it’s important for the American public to know whether Jeffrey Epstein had some kind of corrupt influence on public officials or any public figure.” RFK Jr.
I agree with him on that one.

The CIA killed his father and his uncle. Now RFK Jr. pushes their psyops programs like Jullian Assange (WhyKeyLeaks) and Edward Snowden (CISPA privatization of surveillance state)

And of course there is this:

RFK Jr. is steadily trashing any hopes he has of winning any kind of election as he continues to suck up to the Zionist minority in Israel and the U.S. in spite of over 15,000 Palestinian children being killed already.

At one point he suggested the Jews worked with the Chinese to create Covid-19 and then suddenly they can do no wrong in spite of all available evidence to the contrary.

What do you think could facilitate such a change of heart? What do you think happened to Epstein's files? I think he's still alive and still active doing the exact same shit he was doing all along. The same shit RFK Jr. said he was doing, exerting corrupt influence on public figures.

 And I think it's obvious. RFK Jr. is a compromised POS who let his 'lust demons' lead him down a path to where he is now just a puppet of demonic outside influences.

And oh yeah, he spoke at the Libertarian Convention yesterday. There's that.


1 comment:

  1. Well, whaddya expect For a measly stinkin' $320MM MIC price tag, delivered yet?
    U don't get an all weather pier, u get a fair weather boardwalk.
    Read the fine print!

    MAY 25
