Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Biden's VICHY White House Differs to Genocidal Zionists to 'Investigate' Their ONGOING Genocide

 by Scott Creighton


At the 11:00 mark in video watch John Kirby lie REPEATEDLY about what happened on Oct 7 2023.

'1200 innocent Israelis slaughtered, mutilated, raped, tortured'

The TOTAL body count of Israelis killed SINCE Oct 7 2023 currently stands at 1.130 with over 600 of them being IDF soldiers, most of whom were killed AFTER Oct 8th.

Many of the 530 or so Israeli civilians killed on Oct. 7th were killed by the IDF. This is not up for debate, it is a recognized FACT so stated by both the IDF as well as by Israeli press outlets.

And John Kirby knows this.


John Kirby is a fucking liar who is trying any means by which he can to justify the VichyAmerica Biden administration doing NOTHING in response to Sunday's horrific attack by the IDF carried out on displaced Palestinians refugees living in Rafah.

Kirby says they are going to defer to the IDF to 'investigate' their savage genocide that is ongoing and getting worse in Gaza. We have literally emboldened the terror state of Zionist Israel by doing nothing as the world recoils in horror.

We are Vichy France in 1940. We are the epitome of complicity. We are simps.

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