Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Sanders DIRECTLY Calls Out CNN In Tremendous Floor Speech (But then promotes anit-Hamas propaganda straight from Bibi)

by Scott Creighton

'Senator Bernie Sanders directly calls out and disses CNN with a tremendous, powerful floor speech on the treatment of student protestors on college campuses. Sanders delivers a masterclass by bringing up the First Amendment, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the destruction and loss of Palestinian lives in the Israel-Hamas War and so much more.' 

 'A Masterclass' TYT calls this. It is indeed a masterclass in the type of regime change supporting propaganda Bernie Sanders has delivered from his fake left position his entire career.


Around the 9:00 mark in the video, Bernie states: 

'people from CNN and from around the senate use the term 'pro-Palestinian to suggest that means that people who are 'pro-Palestinians are pro-Hamas.To my mind that is unacceptable and it is factually inaccurate. The overwhelming majority of American people and protesters understand that Hamas is a terrorist organization that started this war by attacking Israel in an incredibly brutal and horrific way on Oct. 7 2023. To stand up for Palestinian rights does not make one a supporter of terrorism.' Bernie Sanders

One of the major objectives the zionists have had over the last19 years with regard to Gaza has been to remove Hamas from their leadership role.

The reason for that is simple: they do not bend the knee to their glorious Israeli overlords like the government in the West Bank does. That's why Gaza is not filled with Israeli settlers and businesses and chopped up and parceled off like the West Bank is.

Hamas is the elected government of the Palestinian people in Gaza. They are not a terrorist organization like Bernie Sanders and Bibi Netanyahu would have you believe.

Whenever there is a regime change that is demanded by the establishment, Bernie Sanders will always try to position himself as being 'on the right side of things' by seemingly opposing such an action, but he always finds a way to tacitly support the actions by demonizing those leaders our masters of the universe have decided must go.

He did this with the regime change ops in Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan and now he is doing it in just the same back-handed cowardly way with Hamas in Gaza.

By doing this he is protecting his phony position as a progressive liberal on the supposed far left of this country while also helping promote the regime change campaigns.

 This is why folks like Cynthia McKinney and Dennis K. were kicked out of office (by the Dems no less) while Bernie was PROMOTED from the House of Representatives to the Senate and then allowed to run for president (so he could sheepdog for Killary)

Bernie Sanders is a scumbag. Always has been. Today is no different and notice TYT has no problem helping him megaphone his hasbara propaganda to America's 'left'


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