Tuesday, September 24, 2024

BEHOLD: The Psychic Confession Letter of Ryan Wesley Routh and Other Stupid Stuff

by Scott Creighton 

Was Ryan Wesley Routh a killer? A psychic? A guy who just can't help leaving evidence lying around? Or NONE OF THE ABOVE?

The stupidity of the ham-handed Operation Secret Service Redemption (the fake assassination attempt of Trump at the golf course) just elevated to the next level.

I showed you the other day how congressional investigations into the Secret Service's failure to protect Donald Trump at the Butler rally were still being stonewalled by the Feds in an effort to cover-up either their abject failure... or something much much worse.

There are all sorts of problems with their official golf course sniper story.

Here's what I think happened. For what it's worth.

The patsy, Ryan Wesley Routh, was baited into coming to the area by someone working him as a buddy troll, or an FBI asset steering him along like they have done so many times setting up various losers for their manufactured 'terror plot' schemes.

When they had him one county over from where Trump was playing golf, the game was afoot.

The Secret Service detail assigned to Trump that day was playing a round one hole before Donald and they claim they saw a rifle barrel sticking out of a fence in the bushes... LONG before Trump was even on that hole. Why? Who knows! Just take em at their word.

' The prosecutor added that Trump was 12 to 15 minutes away from arriving at the 6th hole, where Routh had a clear shot just 100 feet away'  CNN

So they fired a couple rounds at the dirt to get everyone's blood pumping and claimed the ruthless killer took off... leaving all the incriminating evidence behind.

How thoughtful of him.

Of course, the Feds couldn't keep up with the speedy 58-year-old ninja and he easily got away from the SS golfers. They didn't even get off a radio call to other agents to head him off at the pass.

'Luckily' (if you BELIEVE in that sort of thing) there was a 'heroic' citizen right there on the street to see the aging hitman cross the street and jump into his car and speed off, taking a picture of his vehicle and his plates to hand over to authorities.

Here's that picture...


That's right. In the official court filings, there is no version of that picture which places either Ryan or his vehicle at that specific location at that specific time. None. Zip. Zilch. They tried to fix that little issue by claiming his cell phone was pinging at that location for 12 hours or some shit prior to the attempt.

'The complaint against Routh says cell phone data shows he may have been lying in wait for nearly 12 hours at the golf course.' CNN

Like the pinging of Flight MH370 flying super stealth mode down to Australia? Like that 'pinging'?

That photo supposedly taken by some random citizen is kind of important because without it... well... we just have a couple SS agents shooting a few rounds into the dirt then putting out a BOLO (be on the look out) call to law enforcement on some dude they had already decided was the patsy.

See how that works?

But don't worry. Now they have fixed the problem of this dude not being in the same county as Trump when the shots rang out AND they have solved that little problem of how he was supposed to know Trump would even be there in the first place since the Trump people never release any info as to what he does during the day while the campaign is going on. 

'Routh also had a handwritten list of dates and venues where Trump has or was expected to appear in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election.' CNN

Yeah. Ryan had no way to know Trump would even be there. No way. So I guess it was... a guess?

So, I'm not kidding, now the story is... some dude came along and told the Feds that Ryan 'dropped off a box' at his house MONTHS AGO...



... and after the fake attempt on Trump's life...

... this 'heroic' citizen decided to OPEN THE BOX...




... and in the box he just happened to find...

... a hand written note that said...


I'm not fucking kidding. 

'A witness told investigators that Routh had dropped off a box at his home months before, which “contained ammunition, a metal pipe, miscellaneous building materials, tools, four phones, and various letters.” After learning of the apparent assassination attempt, the witness opened the box, according to the filing.

One letter, addressed to “The World” said: “This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job.”

Trump “ended relations with Iran like a child and now the Middle East has unraveled,” the letter says.' CNN

(pretty cool how they cross-purpose some Iran shit in there, right?)

How did Routh know MONTHS AGO he would FAIL in his attempt at Trump? Why would he leave such an incriminating letter with some random dude in a box... with some ammo in it as well that I am sure matches the ammo in his crappy rifle... he ALSO LEFT BEHIND?!?

Are we stupid?

Are you stupid?

Why would random 'heroic' 'witness' OPEN THE FUCKING BOX after it's clear the guy supposedly tried to kill a former and potentially future PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES?!?

How fucking stupid do you have to be to not know that would RUIN ALL THE EVIDENCE INSIDE THE BOX?!?

Aside from the fact that it could be a BOMB.

You call the Feds. You tell em about the box. And you stay as far away from it as possible. That's what ANYONE with HALF A BRAIN would do. But not this guy.

Would you like to know the real kicker here?

Would you?

This time the picture supposedly taken by the random 'heroic' evidence tamperer is INCLUDED IN THE COURT FILINGS.

Not the one that puts Ryan and his vehicle at the scene... oh no... not that one... the one the EVIDENCE TAMPERER took of the 'Yep I did it' confession letter... written MONTHS before the event... which also accurately, somehow, predicted his failure.

I'm not kidding.


There it is. In black and white. Yep. It says it right there. It was a real assassination attempt and not a staged event to provide cover for the Secret Service apparently trying to kill former president Trump in Butler.

Says so right there.


In reality my guess is, someone came forward and told the Feds Routh had left a box of shit at his place a while ago including some building materials and tools.

So the Feds, sensing people weren't buying this bullshit story, decided to spice things up a bit by adding the ammo and 'psychic confession' letter which accurately predicted his failure.

Do you guys remember the Sharpie Boatside Confession from the Boston Bombing story? It goes like this:

... the surviving Patsy Brother supposedly confessed after like 20 hours of beatings.. I mean interrogation. 

Problem was... it was inadmissible due to the fact that he had asked for a lawyer many times and they just beat him ... I mean politely questioned him anyway.

So the 'confession' was tossed out.

Then POOF!!! They 'found' a hand-written note, written with a Sharpie of all things, on the inside of that little boat they found him in. This was MONTHS after the arrest and subsequent search of that boat for all relevant evidence. It didn't turn up then. Nope. They didn't 'find' it until AFTER the 'interrogation' confession was tossed out.


How bout them apples?

Sitting in the judge's seat in this case is Capt. Kangaroo (just kidding, it's Ryon McCabe) and he thinks... somehow... the evidence is strong in this case.


' “I find that the weight of the evidence against the defendant is strong,” Judge Ryon McCabe said at the end of the nearly three hour hearing Monday.' CNN

Ryan had a 'sniper rifle' with a scope duct taped to it. And he stuck the barrel out of a fence for everyone to see when Trump was 15 minutes away.

And that's too say nothing of the 'evidence' they found in a tampered with box which makes Ryan a better psychic than a sniper.

This whole thing is ridiculous. I mean just straight up ridiculous. And supposedly he offered up a $150,000 reward for someone else to finish the job, according to the hand-written letter the Feds... I mean Ryan wrote.

Who was supposed to get the note? How does that work? He fails in his attempt, he must get away somehow (what a psychic, huh?) and then what? He publishes the note making the offer? To whom? How would they get paid? Wouldn't he be on the run? Did he leave a phone number? A secret meeting place? WTF is going on here?

Are we really supposed to be this stupid?

Are we?

Are we this stupid? Who the hell is going to believe this shit? 

Just because Kangaroo Court man says the evidence is strong doesn't mean the evidence is strong.

The Feds are in trouble with their performance at the Butler rally. That's why they are stonewalling. Believe what you want on that one. LIHOP or MIHOP. Your call.

But this thing is like it was put together in the most slap-happy Keystone Cops kinda way. Who the hell is planning this shit for them, Monty Python?

Judge Go-Along-To-Get-Along can say whatever the hell he wants but this story is bunk. Period. End of story.


  1. The Immaculate Passport from that magic day, remember?
    So disappointed they didn't use someone in the mold of Carl the groundskeeper for that 2nd golf course caper.
    We know he's unstable and causes mayhem when he's loose on the golf course.
    BTW, that incident created another few tens of millions of rabid dyed-in-the-wool delusional Drumpftards who swear he truly is The One (or at least The Once and Future Humpty Drumpfy).

    Either way, the second he is back in as Pontifex Maximus, he'll instantly morph into Errand Boy, or possibly Gopher Boy, replete with majestic flowing superhero cape with silkscreen lettering, ready to carry out the Herculean tasks assigned him by his owners/backers.
    He won't even need to find and old derelict phone booth to change (remember those!)!
    'sides, he can't possibly squeeze into one anyway.
    Repeat of his 1st term!

    EXCEPT this time, there's that nasty MAY/2026 90-Year War due.

    PS They've even minted some kinda "commemorative coin" get these in my e-mail junk for the occasion not sure if it's just hucksters making a buck or if they claim to be raising funds for his re-anointment.

  2. Just 1 example i could put up several a day what a dysfunctional imploding $hithole it's turned into here.
    Remember here there is NO freedom of speech mentioned or defined in Big Turd's wunnerful 1982 'CONstitution'!

    Just like Ol' Blighty, where it was repatriated from.
    Neither is there any private property rights.

    They are CENSORING True North content as "hate speech"
    True North
    189K subscribers

    1. Clear contrast to what ireland just did!


  3. He has showed up alive!
    There was sidechat talk 2 days ago mentioning he'd not posted any new vids from the time of the s. lebanon mass bombing start.

    INTERVIEW: There’s no low Israel won’t stoop to, says Richard Medhurst
    George Galloway
    54K views 9 hours ago

  4. Roger Waters on nuclear war, Israel's genocide and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    Dimitri Lascaris
    31K views 3 days ago

  5. Guess where dear leader went in nyc last night after pissing and moaning about HAITI at the un, while lebanon was being bombed?

    Trudeau tells Stephen Colbert there's frustration in Canada
    5.8K views 2 hours ago
