Monday, September 23, 2024

Dogs of War

by Scott Creighton

The dogs of war don't capitulate. They don't negotiate. They don't reevaluate. They move forward relentlessly.

Across the neoliberal West they are cracking down on all sorts of dissent be it medical, ideological or theological. You are not allowed to question the established narrative no matter what they dictate that narrative to be no matter how absurd or insultingly stupid or obviously hypocritical. 

In Germany, England, Palestine and the U.S. journalists who don't toe the line are being silenced one by one.

The narrative will be that WWIII began due to Islamic aggression leveled at poor little peaceful Israel and nothing, nothing could be further from the truth.

So in Israel, in the West Bank, in Gaza, in Germany, in England and here in the states, the New McCarthyites are steadily running their modern day version of the Red Scare all over again only this time it's not 'the Commies' they are after... it's quite literally the Better Angels of our Nature.

In Israel the goal is land confiscation. Zionism. Greed. Lust for power.


In the U.S. and across the Westernized world, it's war for war's sake as a diversion from the Great Conflict, Eastern philosophy verses Western. Multilateralism verses Unilateralism. Free Market neoliberalism verses Regulated Market Economies.

And there are those on high who understand we, the neoliberals, are coming to a point where we will lose.

The Pentagon's Strangeloves are licking their chops are are the Banksters who will profit off the carnage to come. 

To us it matters not why it starts just that it starts and escalates to a glorious profit generating windfall.

There are still voices of reason out there calling for an end to this designed escalation. Maybe the world will listen, turn back the hands of the Doomsday Clock.a Maybe it wont. One antagonistic attack after another, eventually something will spark it off.

Here are some videos showing what I am talking about. The first is Josh Hawley interrogating some woman who dares stand for a cease fire and the respect of the human rights of the Palestinians being killed by the IDF. It is straight out of the McCarthy trials. Or straight from some Nazi SS interrogation of a suspected Jewish sympathizer. 

The second is a clip from Germany where German police treat Palestinian solidarity activists like terrorists or killers, violently attacking them repeatedly for simply standing with the side that we are told don't deserve human rights.

And lastly, one of those voices I mentioned before. A voice of reason demanding we treat all human life with respect... not just those we deem... profitable.

This is today's video. 






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