Saturday, September 28, 2024

Right on Cue, Israel Bombs Large Apartment Complex in Lebanon Killing Hundreds of Innocent Civilians

by Scott Creighton

After releasing the fake photos of a missile in a residence in Lebanon, Benjamin Netanyahu in his statement to the UNGA said that Hezbollah was hiding rockets in apartments. 'In every kitchen' he said. Then, according to reports, he got on the phone there in the UN building and gave the order to the IDF to bomb residential buildings near Beirut.


And people like Bill Maher and RFK Jr. still carry water for this monster to this day. 

Hundreds of civilians were killed. In this one attack, Netanyahu and the Nazi Zionists leveled 6 tall apartment buildings. 

Our State Department spokesman had no comment.


(videos from Assaal Rad


They created that lie I exposed yesterday so Bibi could go mention it during his warmongering speech at the U.N. and then launch a massive attack against innocent men, women and children in Lebanon.

Nothing could be more obvious. They are an out of control rogue state run by a desperate leader trying to keep the war going so he is not removed from office and arrested.

BTW.. the cheering and applause you hear in the General Assembly when Bibi took the podium was from a contingent of guests (like 60) he brought with him to cheer for him.

The vast majority of the General Assembly walked out of the room when he came to the stage to speak. 

At least we know the majority of the world is still sane.

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