Monday, September 23, 2024

Netanyahu is trying to drag Lebanon, entire region into wide-scale war: Top Lebanese MP

from PressTV

The speaker of the Lebanese parliament has cautioned against the Zionist regime’s destabilizing actions in West Asia, stating that its prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to drag Lebanon and the region into a wide-scale war.

“Netanyahu continues to turn Lebanon’s southern towns into uninhabited scorched territories that are difficult to live in by destroying their green spaces suitable for agriculture with incendiary phosphorous bombs. The Israeli army is destroying homes and leveling them to the ground, killing civilians, including women, children, elderly people, paramedics, and health workers,” Nabih Berri stated on Sunday.

He said that Netanyahu is trying to drag Lebanon and the region into a full-blown war, adding that Lebanon does not want a war, and will not get dragged into it.

“We will not let this happen, and will not fall into the Israeli trap. Rather, we will resist his plan, adhere to the rules of engagement, and demand the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1701 (2006). The international community has no choice but to pressure Israel into stopping violation of the Lebanese airspace,” Berri said...

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