Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Biden Addressed the UN Seeking Redemption

 by Scott Creighton

Pres. Biden's last address before UN General Assembly. Yesterday. Many world leaders attended. Never before has a man appeared before the world so desperately in need of redeeming.

Started lofty, like a diplomat from the old days. Quoted Yeats. The center will hold, said Biden. As things trend to chaos all around us. 

Sure the center will hold if the center means the oligarchs and masters of the universe he serves. Sure they will hold. For the rest of us? Not such a rosy outlook.

Then he went on to explain how the U.S. has weather all these many storms from Vietnam to Civil Rights to 9/11 to Covid-19... not mentioning once it is that self-same United States who created all of it from the start.

Like a child wanting his allowance before the weekend, he wants credit for cleaning up our own messes. 

The adults in the room were unmoved.


Then he starts his to-do list and at the top of it, but of course, was to smear Russia for the Ukraine conflict WE started and to demand the nations of the UN continue to support Zelensky and his Nazi regime.

About a third of the audience rewarded the aging orator with a polite golf clap.

Then he was onto the global conflict in the heavens I write about so often, the battle between Uni and Multi lateralism. Neoliberal America verses China's regulated market economy.

He said we have to deescalate this conflict... then blamed China for all the synthetic narcotics in the world today as if the Perdue family didn't make a family fortune selling oxycotin to drug addicts for decades here in the states. As if the CIA didn't peddle drugs. As if US soldiers weren't forced to guard poppy fields in Afghanistan for 10 years.

His China slander received not even the slightest polite applause.  

Redemption arc starting to falter.

'We are also working to bring a greater measure of peace and stability to the Middle East' Biden claimed.

The Good Lord should have struck him dead right then and there for saying that to the UN. But alas, even the Great Redeemer sees no profit in that for Joe must already be destined for another path.

In what cosmic satire does Joe Biden think he and his administration could ever be cast as the bringers of peace in the Middle East? Who knows what wild reality lurks in the mind of Dementia Joe. Even South Park couldn't compete with that lunacy.

The audience seems pensive, withholding their outrage out of sheer willpower due to some oddly ironic sense of human decency afforded this old, tired, corrupt, war-mongering politician trying desperately to remake his own legacy... if only in his mind.

Does Joe Biden deserve such respect? In a word... no.

Biden goes on to claim any country would have the 'right' to kill 41,000 civilians in the world's largest concentration camp because 'thousands of Hamas terrorists slaughtered more than 1,200 innocent Israelis committing despicable acts of sexual violence' he claimed in spite of the fact that those stories... were fabricated just like the babies in the ovens, babies on clothes lines and 40 beheaded babies stories were. But he repeated those lies just the same.

Then he said that innocent people were also dying in Gaza and to that the camera shifted to the Israeli delegation which looked like they could have shot him dead right at that moment. 

How dare a little truth be inserted into Biden's speech at that particular time?

He went on to talk about full scale war in the Middle East not being in anyone's interest and that is why I am covering this speech.

It is in the interests of the bankers and financial houses of our nation. It is in the interests of the MIC and their warmongers in the Pentagon and D.C.

It is in the interest of Netanyahu and Donald Trump who both see this conflict, no matter how many die, as a means to a political end. Bibi to stay in power and out of jail and Donnie to regain what was once taken unjustly from him.

It is in the interests of the Zionists and their collaborators around the world. 

It is in the interests of many and many more my poor powers of perception can fully understand.

'But a diplomatic solution is still possible and the only path to a lasting peace... we must set the conditions for a 2 State Solution'

There is no 2 State Solution. There is a 2 State Reality. 

The vast majority of the world already recognizes Palestine as a state. 145 of 195 nations that make up that UN General Assembly.

A 2 State Reality based on the July 1967 accord which was agreed upon by Israel is the basis of that already existing reality.

Get Israel out of Palestine and be done with it. That man speaking before the Assembly could have accomplished that feat a year ago or yesterday. Instead he speaks lofty ambitions about peace while sending more weapons to appease the defense contractors, bankers and Zionists.

On Gaza, as with many other topics, his words are hollow. Empty. Save for one thing... an Oct. Surprise. 

Oh yes, his people understand that to bring the young and liberal out to support them in the next challenge presented by the Orange One, they will need an end to this horror, this genocide. 

It will ensure they continue to control the Great House in D.C.

Just as their opponent understands his path to victory requires the conflict to continue and even escalate.

In America, politics is a blood sport like no other.

Then Biden went on to slander Iran or some other enemy of The Jewish State or some other such nonsense and I, having grown tired of being tired, turned away.

Below is the video. Biden's mumbled farewell to power. His last effort at building a memorable pipe-dream if only he still believes it.

But he doesn't. You can hear it in his voice, his beaten down, fading voice, as he shuffles off to vacate this mortal coil alone, confused and forgotten in some mahogany-lined asylum of his own creation.

There is a lesson here. Perhaps it would be better if Yeats were still around to enlighten us.

But all we got is me and all I got is...

'These are chains I forged in life'

Joe Biden slinked in like a man hefting a life-time of long heavy chains and he slinked out without freeing himself of one... single... link.

There will be no redemption arc for Sneaky Uncle SloJoe.

Who could have thought otherwise?


  1. US farm food production inflation rising input costs 2020- 2023.
    bar chart.

    As documented well before now, about 18 months ago already, the general inflation everywhere not just here has allowed CEO's of supermarket chains to jack prices on the shelf far above this inflation rate %, creating huge profits for them past 2 years or so.
    A tactic they couldn't do when inflation was low.

    Several ceo's were even openly bragging and laffing about this on their earnings q conference calls with stock analysts!

    Sean Foo
    U.S. Farmers Are Done As China Punishments Backfire, Beijing Fires The Economic Bazooka
    Sean Foo

    1. Off topic ... why? ... dont you have better things to do?

  2. Note that in Ol' Blighty their NHS is imploding ahead of and faster than the country as a whole.
    40% of junior docs leaving, burned out overworked, etc.
    doc from OK long interview justup and walked away from his md ob-gyn practice and went into functional medicine.
    sick of being a "doc-in-the-box" following the medical algorithm for patients.

    Won't be long before they just give the advice given a month ago by another of our many disgraceful turds, not the top turd mind you but in this case mr. ford, who recommended that if the peeps didn't like the long lineups and shitty service/treatment at our renowned MediScare network, they should try the local animal hospital!

    Doctors Quitting Their Jobs For these Reasons |Healthcare is a corporation
    Dee’s African perspective
