Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Exploding Pagers as a Weapon? How does that work?

by Scott Creighton

That's a good question.

Here are some examples of the exploding pagers in Lebanon yesterday.

Some say it was thermal runaway of the lithium batteries triggered somehow by remote. That just means it overheats and bursts.

'If the pager’s lithium battery was triggered to overheat, this would kick-start a process called thermal runaway.

Essentially,  a chemical chain reaction would occur, leading to an increase in temperature and eventually the battery’s violent explosion.

However, triggering that chain reaction within multiple devices that have never been connected to the internet is far from straightforward.' al Jazeera

But those are explosions. Small, directed, but explosions none the less.

This is thermal runaway.

As you can see, thermal runaway doesn't seem to fit the bill.

Others say 'spies' put the explosives in the pagers. What? Some Israeli spies got Hezbollah dudes to give them their pagers for a bit? How does that make sense? 

Hezbollah made the switch away from cell phones due to Israel being able to track them. So they bought all their people pagers.

And that's where this gets interesting.

Did the manufacturer build these hot shots into the pagers specifically to sell to Hezbollah? Is this a case of Big Business committing an act of terrorism or Israel?


  1. From what I’ve seen being posted on telegram, the consensus seems to be that the Hungarian subcontractor selling licensed Motorola pagers to the Lebanese market utilized batteries that had been laced with PETN salts.
    With a back door code installed in that batch for that market, the thermal runaway detonated the explosive.
    The theory is, this was unleashed on the entire market, in hopes that hesbalah operators will change the devices frequently and will have picked up, more subjected than the general.
    It makes sense as the organization publicly denounce the use of smart phones quite a while ago

    1. Aparently, the contaminated units were bought in Jordan -

      Communication devices carried by Hezbollah members across Lebanon have exploded following a cyberattack. In Beirut alone, 70 individuals have been hospitalized with confirmed injuries, and the city is now facing blood shortages.

      Patriot on X: The exploding devices were purchased in Jordan 3 month ago.
      Once again we note The disgusting puppet king abdulah is involved

  2. To note, very out of character and looking downright off script easy to spot, the jordan owned puppet's equally owned insignificant other showed up with a vid it's on utube just 24 hours b4 this mass pager incident. So blatant i noted it immediately on scanning it.

    As INVISIBLE even more so as any/most other arab/muzzie leader caste since last Oct., yet shows up exactly just now!??

    Also could explain Nutty's huffing & puffing these past 2 weeks about invading Lebanon!---it would have been a bluster veiled warning/threat about the real event coming to them.

    Can''t say whether that PETN trick would would work, as pagers come with/run on a single AA 1.5V regular carbon-zinc battery, non-rechargeable, would thus be replaced after life run after ?? days, so then means they would have to pull their caper in the first week or so after getting this batch of pagers.

    Note this happened in this long 'quiet' interlude (from Iran) dozens of vids asking 'why so long weeks now iran's promised retaliation response to that specific act?'
    IOW, no response yet to that now first-in-line incident.

    Looking over notes for something hitting before that big BRICS meeting early October, found a very obscure but huge event looking back on it now fits the time: SEP30/1969 the first big withdrawal batch of 25,000 us ground troops from vietnam occurred. That was about 20 months after Tet, and will be a primal Fibo 55 years thus on SEP30 coming, a Monday.
    So Sat/Sun Sep 28/29??

  3. Taiwanese pager maker says it did not make devices used in Lebanon blasts
    CBC News
    42K views 4 hours ago SEP18
