Saturday, September 7, 2024

Louisiana Theater Shooting: The Convoluted Story of the “Drifter” Who Wasn’t (archive)

(archived from July 24, 2015)

by Scott Creighton

Fueled by President Obama practically weeping yesterday because he’s not allowed to cancel the 2nd amendment “even in the face of mass killings“, the complicit media is doing whatever they can to tie the drifter, lone-wolf, wife-beating, gay-hating, Iran-loving, media-sceptical, Obama-hating, Hitler-loving, conspiracy theorist, extremist, SSRI-taking nutjob to any and all current ObamaGod agendas.


And as they pile on the background tidbits, they’re starting to make no sense what-so-ever. His family life is just a bizarre collection of evictions, mental hospitals, fights, feuds and anything else they can come up with.

Here’s the story as best as I can figure it.

Some of us out here discovered he wasn’t actually a “drifter” but in fact had a home in the same city he has been claiming online as recently as late last year. The house is very nice and apparently still the home of his “estranged” wife.


I noticed on Google Street view that the home had a confederate flag flying in the front yard and Raw Story and other big name news agencies picked up on that pretty quick. In fact, my screen-grab from Google Street view is on Raw Story’s front page. They linked back to my article about the finding the flag in front of the home he listed as his address.


Some reports are that he was evicted from that residence back in March of 2014, or at least, served eviction papers.

His wife only recently filed for divorce this year, in March of this year to be exact.

Here’s what’s odd: in 2006 he was supposedly denied the ability to purchase a gun due to something about an earlier arson charge yet his wife says in a temporary protection order issued in 2008, “(she) has become so worried about the defendant’s volatile mental state that she has removed all guns and/or weapons from their marital residence.”

Well if he couldn’t buy guns in 2006, that’s presumably because he was a felon and therefore couldn’t own or be around firearms. So why were there guns in the home in 2008?

And if there was such a problem with the guy in 2008, why was she still with him up til at least March of 2014?

They actually tried to have him committed back in 2008, according to USNews.

Court documents seeking the order said John Houser, “exhibited extreme erratic behavior and has made ominous as well as disturbing statements.”

The documents said even though he lived in Phenix City, Alabama, he had come to Carroll County, Georgia, where they lived and “perpetrated various acts of family violence.” USNews

A TV host who used to give him air-time and have him on his morning talk show said he was crazy even back in the 90s.

A former local television host in Georgia says the man who killed two people in a Louisiana movie theater appeared on his show numerous times in the early 1990s and advocated violence against people involved in abortions.

Calvin Floyd, who hosted a morning call-in show on WLTZ-TV in Columbus, Georgia, says John Russel Houser also espoused other radical views, including his opposition to women in the workplace. Floyd, now 71, says he would put Houser on with a Democrat because “he could make the phones ring.”

Floyd described Houser, as an “angry man” who made “wild accusations” about all sorts of local officials and topics. USNews

Now, if he’s been like this all this time, why did the family decide to try to have him locked up? Did he get worse? And if so, why did his wife wait 7 more years to divorce him and 6 more to kick him out of the house?

Here’s another thing that doesn’t make sense. How did he get a license to open a bar if he couldn’t even buy a gun?

Needless too say, I’m having a hard time buying into this story.

Maybe his family finally had enough of the guy and ditched him. Maybe he was living in some run-down shit-hole of a flop-house. So why suddenly does he just flip-out and start shooting people and where did he get the gun to do it?

It almost seems to me this guy is just too perfect for the gun-grabber’s agenda and so someone timed it perfectly to coincide with the BBC interview with weeping ObamaGod and his final regret about gun control.

Is it possible he was tracked all along and when the right opportunity turned up, someone decided to cash him in and use him as the patsy?

I have yet to see anyone release security camera images of him buying a ticket at the theater with a 40cal bulge in his pants. Let me know if you come across that.

Then again, I have yet to see those images of James Holmes in the Aurora theater either. Or one of Adam Lanza entering that school. Or one of the Chattanooga shooter lighting up the place in that strip mall. You know they had cameras there as well, right?


UPDATE: A “Rusty Houser” was interviewed by Matt Taibbi back in 2007. Was a John McCain supporter. Taibbi was writing what amounted to a eulogy for the McCain campaign and feeling very impressed with himself for doing so. It was called ‘it’s the End of the Road for John McCain“. You might recall, McCain ended up “winning” the republican nomination not that long after.

Rusty Houser likes McCain’s stance on the war; when I ask him why we are in Iraq in the first place, he tells me, “To get rid of Al Qaeda.” When I point out that Bush himself has admitted there was no connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda, Houser shrugs. Bush, he assures me, “doesn’t always let people know what he knows.”

Taibbi wont say whether or not it was the same guy.


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