Saturday, May 18, 2024

Nakba Pier at the End of the Nakba Highway Proves Biden's Collusion in War Crimes

 by Scott Creighton

The Nakba Pier is exactly what we thought it was going to be... a fast-tracked exit for Palestinians being forcefully relocated to places like Canada, US and Europe where billionaires and Big Business want cheap migrant labor to bring down wage costs and jack up profit margins.

There is some talk on social media about the location of the pier which is patently incorrect which is hard to figure out because the exact location was finally disclosed when reporters found sat images of the pier and were able to geolocate it precisely.

It is sitting right at the end of the IDF's Nakba Highway a.k.a. the Netzarim Corridor or Highway 739.

This is what is being passed off as the location of the pier.



This is the actual location. 

'A jetty for unloading the barge was built at a location that was initially "not disclosed for security reasons", but later discerned to be south of Gaza City (31.497°N 34.408°E) by journalists using commercial satellite imagery or talking to local construction workers.'


And this is the Nakba Highway. You see Highway 10 just north of the IDF road?


Notice how they line up?

From the Institute for the Study of War in March of this year:


Notice the 'NGO built jetty' at the end of the Nakba Highway?


Biden's Nakba Pier is right at the end of Netanyahu's Nakba Highway. There is no doubt this has been the plan to force-ably export cheap labor from Palestine to waiting businesses around the Western World.

Forced near slavery.

Forced dispossession of land.

These are war crimes and crimes against humanity. No wonder all those billionaires got Eric Adams to shut down the protests on campus: they want cheap workers.









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