Saturday, August 20, 2022

New FBI Patsy Tries to Use WMD Against Citizens “Without Lawful Authority”… wait… What?

(archived from October 18, 2012)

by Scott Creighton

“…the defendant did knowingly, intentionally, and without lawful authority attempt to use a weapon of mass destruction to wit: an explosive bomb, against persons and property within the United Statespage 1 criminal complaint

Let that sink in for a minute…

What? WTF did I just read?

A lot of websites are talking about the Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis case and with very good reason. Here you have another bullshit FBI undercover set-up operation in New York where they find some young, stupid kid who hasn’t quite figured out that al Qaeda was created by and is run by U.S. and Pakistani intelligence services, and they set him up with their own plot and their own bomb in order to maintain the “terrorists in America” myth.


This case is particularly embarrassing for the FBI because apparently they had to get some poor dupe from Bangladesh to pull it off. I guess after no one showed up for their “Innocence of bin Laden” psyop in California, people in the states are wising up so the FBI is having to outsource their entrapment.

There are a lot of very interesting aspects to the story including the fact that apparently the undercover “agent” who set him up tried to get him to agree to a suicide attack and when Nafis said he wanted to go home first, they decided they should change the plan else risk losing their patsy.

Kid just wanted to go home… but the Justice Department needed a victory in the war on terror in light of all the bad press they are getting for Fast and Furious. Plus, as the Bush regime will tell you, a little counter-terrorism success goes a long way right before an election.

Here’s something else I found in the criminal complaint found here… (click on image for larger view)

Page 1 criminal complaint

“…the defendant did knowingly, intentionally, and without lawful authority attempt to use a weapon of mass destruction to wit: an explosive bomb, against persons and property within the United Statespage 1 criminal complaint

Uh. He tried to use a WMD against Americans “without lawful authority” huh? As opposed to what?

Let that sink in for a minute.

In what circumstances does someone actually have “lawful authority” to use WMDs “against persons and property within the United States”?

This I would LOVE to know. I would LOVE to hear that one argued in trial.

Another aspect of this case that’s interesting is how the criminal complaint is filed.

I read the entire thing. Very few actual quotes and several that seem to be taken out of context. But a lot of what appears to be deliberately prejudicing the case against him, but very few actual quotes which is amazing considering they claim they recorded all of his conversations.

Other “evidence” against him is a flash drive with a typed message from the suspect which serves as his “motive” and a video he supposedly recorded but his face is completely covered up and according to the complaint, he “disguised his voice”

This case stinks. But what do you expect when they rush some propaganda together right before the election?

If you read the complaint you will notice in his supposed flash drive rant (which of course could have been typed by anyone) the mention of the Federal Reserve Bank reads more like a commercial for the damn thing rather than someone ranting about wanted to wipe it out. It’s pretty stupid.

Still putting together some info on this. Thought you would like to see the complaint.

Just for the record, I guess using a WMD against the people of this country WITH lawful authority would be something like the FBI getting an asset to build a van bomb and set it off in the parking deck of the World Trade Center in ’93. I suppose that would be a case of that kind of thing.

How silly of me to get all weirded  out by that.

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