Tuesday, August 9, 2022

FBI Raids Mar-A-Lago to Kick Off Winter of Our Discontent

The corrupt FBI know they can't stop Trump from running for office so maybe they figure the next best thing they can do is kick off a Left v Right civil war. Enter the Glowie Factions and away we go.

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  1. Sounds like a P-L-A-N!
    And we know Slojo's handlers are continually coming up with a new one.
    here's another plan.
    Listen here 60 sec what tactic atf is now doing to strangle & run out of business licensed firearm retailers (gun shops):


  2. Copycats!
    Just a day after that story from a utube clip about rotten Apple agreeing to label its Taiwan products as made in china, this conveniently comes out.

    To think i can remember back about 2+ decades ago to Kathy Gifford (i think she was even an on-air host on one of the big3) was outted for having her high priced clothing line made in garment factory sweatshops in asia somewhere for at that time about 50c/hour!


    The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has fined a US apparel company for changing the labels on its clothing from “Made in China” to “Made in the USA,” in line with the expectations of its pro-Trump consumer base.

  3. https://pennyforyourthoughts2.ca/2022/08/08/14-deceased-doctors-in-canada-in-9-months/
