Monday, August 1, 2022

Ukraine UPDATES – March 3, 2014

(archived from March 3, 2014)

by Scott Creighton

I recently subscribed to cable television. Holy shit. What a freak show.

It’s not just that the reality TV shows are mindlessly insipid… so is the news.

One lie after the other spread across all the news outlets as if they were all receiving their stories from the same source (and they probably are). Pervasive lies, told over and over again, day in and day out. 

Did you know that Assad DID use chemical weapons on his own people in Syria? Not really. Turns out it was our al Qaeda linked terrorist contractors who did that according to the UN and every other credible study… but not according to EVERY single corporate media outlet out there who mention that lie at least once every hour, on the hour, like clockwork. 

Did you also know that Russia invaded Georgia a couple years ago? Not really. Georgia (by way of our puppet president) attacked South Ossetia and actually killed a number of Russian Peacekeepers who were stationed there. But not according to the Vichy press who have been told apparently to mention Georgia every hour in terms of some new completely dishonest “red menace” fear mongering.

Isn’t it nice to know that these talking heads get paid more than doctors, local lawmakers and firemen to do nothing more than to lie to your parents and your kids with every breath they can muster? What do you call a thousand reporters at the bottom of the sea?

And here’s the big one that’s currently making it’s way around the thousands of channels of dishonest news: Russia is trying to destabilize the Ukraine.

That’s a laugh, huh?

So, before you have to go to CNNMSNBCABCFOX for that voluntary lobotomy, here’s some real news on the subject of the Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.


By the way, I still stand by my prediction: despite the gnashing of the teeth and the rending of their hair, this will not lead to WWIII.  The Autonomous Republic of the Crimea will break all ties with the Ukraine and strengthen new ones with Russia without the U.S. trying to interfere by means of “boots on the ground”. The future of the Ukraine may be more up in the air than I originally thought. Mass defections by the tiny Ukrainian military may be a precursor to something bigger down the road. Remember, it wasn’t that long ago that the Orange Revolution (CIA backed regime change in Ukraine) failed and most of it’s leadership ended up in prison. Could be that is about to take shape again.

Surely the ObamaGod and his minions of fascist-left apologists (Bill Maher?) are trying to gin up some support to send troops to the Ukraine to stand side-by-side with the neo-Nazis. Imagine that. We stand with al Qaeda (Syria), monstrous dictators (Egypt) and Hitler-lovers (Ukraine) in Obama’s version of the New World Order. All of that in service to the bankers and financial oligarchs of this country who decimated our economy, sent our jobs overseas so they could make MORE Mammon, and stole our pensions right out from under our 401ks.

It’s ALMOST as if us conspiracy theorists had it right all along, ain’t it?

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