Thursday, June 20, 2024

Bird flu spread raises global pandemic alarm

from Daily Sabah

Surging cases of bird flu among mammals, including U.S. cattle, offer a stark warning that the world is not ready to fend off future pandemics, a report said, urging leaders to act quickly.

More than four years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, politicians are "gambling through neglect" by not putting enough money or effort into avoiding a repeat of the disaster, the report said.

The bird flu H5N1 has been increasingly spreading to mammals, including cattle in farms across the U.S. and a few humans, prompting fears the virus could spark a future pandemic.

"If H5N1 began to spread from person to person, the world would likely again be overwhelmed," the report's co-author and former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark told a news conference.

It could even be "more disastrous, potentially, than COVID-19," Clark said...

read more here

1 comment:

  1. Meh!
    Frenchies have a more pressing problem.
    Surely this is some direct and dire warning, some portent from the gawds above.
    Can't wait for the live 26 mile marathon event thru the streets.
    Crews clear smelly sewage leak in Olympic Village
    CTV Vancouver
    810 views 1 hour ago
