Saturday, June 22, 2024

More on the looming bird flu disaster. Lots of good new info, especially on how they avoid regulation of pandemic vaccines

(You should definitely be following her substack)

from Dr. Meryl Nass substack

You may not be surprised that our old friend, Sir Dr. Jeremy Farrar, 007, OBE who was licensed to Overdose 2600 hospitalized patients on HCQ in the RECOVERY and SOLIDARITY trials, has been on the bird flu beat for 20 years. No wonder he got his Order of the British Empire. He’s been stoking these flames a very long time.

And his fellow criminal, Dr. Peter Horby, Principal Investigator of the RECOVERY trial, who is only responsible for overdosing 1600 hospitalized patients of whom 400 died, was with Farrar in Vietnam 20 years ago to start up bird flu fear porn. He was made a Knight Bachelor for his services to eugenics in the UK in 2021.

Peter Horby, Director of the Pandemic Sciences Centre, and Professor of Emerging and Infectious Diseases and Global Health, becomes a Knight Bachelor for services to Medical Research. He co-leads the UK Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 therapy (RECOVERY) trial, the largest randomised controlled trial of COVID-19 treatments in the world. He is also the lead investigator of the EDCTP-funded epidemic-preparedness network – African coaLition for Epidemic Research, Response and Training (ALERRT).

Don’t forget the USA! The Council on Foreign Relations did their bit to stir the pot of chicken flu. They sent journalist and Senior Fellow Laurie Garrett on a national tour dressed as Henny Penny, to tell us that birds were falling out of the sky from flu, but not till they migrated to the US from overseas, and that millions of humans could die. Especially young, healthy people according to Garrett. (I’ve previously reported I attended one of her lectures at the MDI Biolab in Maine around 2005.)...

read more here


  1. Dr. Bryan Ardis out latest, this one on PARKINSONS, which along with all the other brain/CNS diseases/dysfunctions, has been on a rocky ride upward the past generation.
    Guy should have tens of thousands of times the listens.

    Dr. Bryan Ardis - Healing Parkinsons!

  2. Vid is very accurately superimposed with text speech, so easy to follow.
    Dr. Makis says at 19:40 mark VERY interesting but confusing says the pfizer shot is CONTAMINATED with trillions of DNA PLASMIDS, yet Dr. Bryan Ardis DCI pointed out in his recent vid on rumble that there is NO mRNA in the shots, that it's pure BS false advertising because it's very perishable 6 hours at room temp, so must be kept and tracked on/in dry ice -60C right after making, all the way shipping, etc. right before injection!!
    Dr. Ardis says it's the DNA PLASMID technology they're all using.
    Makis, who is an oncologist so would know, says cancer clinics are backlogged, can't even get new patients in for chemo, gave specific example of 20-30 age cohort seeing hepatobiliary cancer (bile ducts) at levels seen b4 only in 70+ age!
    Just 1 example---there's all kinds happening including the just dropping no notice no previous symptoms you hear about these days.
