Sunday, June 16, 2024

What Carl Sagan Saw Coming Will Shock You

by Scott Creighton

Sure Brian Williams doesn't get it. He never does. He thinks he's talking about Trump or the Covid skeptics or Russia hacking our elections or something equally inane. But the truth of Carl Sagan's prediction from 1995 sings out to us from beneath Brian's hollow purpose and in spite of it. 

There is another clip of Sagan talking about technology and power and the need to keep the ability and the right to question authority when it comes to new developments. Obviously both videos feature prescient warnings that went unheeded, unfortunately. 


Carl was certainly not the only one who saw this coming. Bill Cooper and Michael Parenti are two others I can think of off the top of my head from that time frame (90s) who tried to warn us and who were, along with Sagan, almost completely ignored by those whose future earning potential demanded they ignore such things.

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