Friday, June 14, 2024

Joe Biden Should Press Hold on Saudi-Israel Normalization

(This fucking horrible deal comes from MbS telling the world months ago that they will suspend all trade and potential deals with Israel until they recognize Palestinian statehood. Our sycophantic collaborators in D.C. rushed over there and dropped to their knees promising the moon and the stars to S.A. in an effort to buy them off. What does S.A. do for us? They recognize Israel. WTF does that do for us? Should be TREASON on Biden's part. U.S. lives to defend the kings of Saud? Are you fucking shitting me? They also know this will drive a wedge between the kingdom and other Muslim nations who back Palestinian statehood like Iran. This is TREASON and it is an attempt to relieve pressure on Israel that could bring an end to the genocide in Gaza. It is pathetic.)

from National Interest

Amid the horrors of the war in Gaza, a better future awaits the Middle East. A grand bargain is on offer that would establish diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, move toward a two-state solution, and create a bulwark against Iran via a U.S.-Saudi defense treaty. 

But we are not there yet. Before normalization, the Saudis insist that Israel take “credible and irreversible” steps toward a two-state solution. The current Israeli government won’t take those steps, meaning normalization will have to wait for a more centrist government. Since the structure of the grand bargain is that nothing is agreed upon until everything is agreed upon, a deal is not at hand. That means the United States should shift focus away from its attempt to get an accord before the presidential election in November. Instead, Washington and Riyadh should lay a firm foundation for the next U.S. president to finish the deal.

To review the bidding in the grand bargain, the United States would commit to a binding defense treaty with Saudi Arabia, provide it with civilian nuclear reactors, streamlined weapons sales, and access to advanced chips for Artificial Intelligence development. Saudi Arabia would recognize Israel, limit Chinese participation in sensitive sectors such as high-tech, and sign a Safeguards Agreement and possibly the Additional Protocol with the International Atomic Energy Agency to govern the use of nuclear reactors. Israel would commit to a two-state solution (process)...

read more here


    Another string-along psyops as fully expected, to buy time to reposition pivot to now go into Lebanon, as has been telegraphed for a week now at least.
    Especially since they've refurbished/repaired their seaside boardwalk for bringing war supplies in.

    🔴 Biden Changes Tone | Will US Double Standards & Hypocrisy Ever End? | Live +
    Mahmood OD | محمود عودة
    12K views Streamed 4 hours ago evng Friday 14th

    1. This boardwalk.

      The story of the U.S. ‘floating dock’ built from the rubble of Gaza’s homes
      The U.S. said it was constructing a floating pier off Gaza’s coast to deliver humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. However, the real reason it exists is to protect American interests in the region.

  2. Likely they'll speed up their political decisions to make them irreversible/intractable, as Newsweek (cia central) is out saying there are 4 "choices" to replace Mummy Man, and soon, well before nov.
    Various msm clips of politicians claiming "Joe's gone", not just in mind.
    Think of him as very close to same situation as that cat-in-the-hat snake bamboozler, seen schmoozing at the G7 no less (WTF!), who any day now is due for a punt out the door by Malachy Morgerh.

    Note under the vid.
    The buffer zone appears to be what little agricultural land available to Gazans. The Israelis have bulldozed all the green houses and and orchards. They will want to retain this kind to prevent the Palestinians from regaining food self sufficiency
