Monday, June 24, 2024

The Horror: Israel's Sickening Legacy is Being Forged Right Before Our Eyes and So Is Ours

 by Scott Creighton

“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” David Mitchel

(images may be disturbing after break) 

There is only one side of this. There can never be another. Timshel. Thou mayest. You choose heaven or hell. 

Over 15,000 children killed by Zionists in Israel and the United States in order to steal the land of another people.

Over 21,000 children reported missing in Gaza so far. What will the number be in the end? What could possibly justify that?

If things are allowed to drag on until our election here in the states (as I am sure many would like too see) what will the numbers be? How many more children will die? How many will starve? How many will be orphaned? How many will be crippled for life?

Stopping the slaughter is not about holding anyone to account. God knows we don't believe in that anymore. The rich Zionists never pay for their crimes. They didn't on 9/11. They didn't in March of 2003. They didn't when they crashed the global economy in 2008.

The rich never pay. Just ask Disney contractors who have had to file for bankruptcy after getting that dream contract with Mickey.

Just ask Trump's contractors.

Just ask the Kennedys'

It's not about accountability. It's now simply about trying to save as many as we can as fast as we can. Nothing else matters anymore.

And yet, in the Land of the Big PX, everyone seems to be looking for a distraction. Anything to keep them from looking in the direction that makes them feel. Less. Human.

Elections, immigration, inflation, the next Rona... all reasonable considerations and worthy efforts of one's time... but at this time? Now? How?

Hitler's Willing Executioners turned a blind eye. They saw only what they wanted, not what they needed to.

Not when they needed to.

It is an inconvenient truth our collective conscience. It will always be with us. Always define us. Always condemn us.

The people of Israel see it. They march in the hundreds of thousands right now to bring and end to their corrupt government, the conflict in Gaza and the safe return of the 120 hostages still held in Gaza.

Should have started 8 months ago. Better late than never.

“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”

Israel is trying to birth a better future for themselves. It's about time did the same.

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