Thursday, June 27, 2024

So Tucker 'Schooled' Some Young Australian Reporter? Not So Fast... he was lying

by Scott Creighton

Everyone is all in a tizzy over Tucker Carlson 'schooling' some young stupid Australian reporter who had a couple ridiculous questions she was forced to ask him so yeah of course he made her look like an idiot.

Only problem is... he was lying. Yeah, he SPECIFICALLY talked, not that long ago, about da dreaded Dems opening up the borders to REPLACE hard working American VOTES with immigrant votes and he said they 'CHANGED' Virginia (a state I was born and raised in) to a Blue State.

First of all, electronic voting machines dumbass. They don't NEED to import votes to change em.

Secondly, Virginia has been HISTORICALLY a BLUE STATE since the 1890s Tucker. Look it up or better yet, watch a video I made over two years ago talking about his DISINFORMATION.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform was started by the REPUBLICANS back in 2006. It's about replacing expensive blue collar (and white collar) workers with CHEAPER WORKERS.

Here's my video on Tucker from a couple years ago.

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