Wednesday, June 19, 2024

H5N1: Big Business Making Ready for the Big Cash Op

from T


'The tech companies are starting to ramp up marketing to get in on the plandemic profits already, because they see what’s coming.  All that’s needed now is that inevitable emergency declaration (or are we supposedly still in an “emergency” by default?) so everybody and their brother, sister and second cousins can start submitting for EUA approval for their bird flu tests.  The experimental inoculations are probably already developed.  Just need to pretend to wait just long enough to break the warp speed record for shortest time to a phony vaccine while retaining the credulity of enough of the population.'

'T' follows my work and has first hand knowledge of medical research industries. This image is from an email sent to him this week. Clearly those in the know are making ready for the 'cash cow' that may end up being Disease X or the next plandemic. 


  1. HIGHEST probability of something huge developing anywhere is this here, Poland, ramping things up getting ready so now only 1 FF away from serious confrontation/retaliation from Dear Leader (assuming he ever finally follows thru on all the serial empty threats he's made past many years) .
    Poland and/or Romania will be where any F-16's take off from, either directly b4 launching, or claimed 'hopping' first to uke territory to be loaded up, becuz F-16 as a fighting falcon is just that, puny, with matching puny fuel tank thus puny range especially with a ton of ordnance loaded.
    Levan Gudadze JUN19

    1. AUSTRIA.
      Headline later on in same vid, saying go ahead uke, no problemo!

  2. 1 if by rowboat, 2 if by ferry! LOLOL.
    Yes, ferries----becuz nobody expects the ferries!

    China lacks assault ships for Taiwan invasion. But it has other solutions.
    Binkov's Battlegrounds
    132K views 5 days ago

  3. Another example of your alphamorons looking out for YOU!
    (The agencies who should be overseeing this would be the epa, the fda, the deptofag, and at least one agency/bureau within hhs.

    EPA pushes for a pesticide tied to autism and lower cognitive performance

    The EPA is currently advocating for the use of a pesticide known as acephate despite its alarming links to autism and lower cognitive performance. If the EPA’s proposal goes through, it will ease restrictions on this pesticide, which is commonly used on crops such as:
    Brussels sprouts
