Saturday, June 22, 2024

Someone Sent Me This

 by Scott Creighton


Someone just sent me this. 

Insidious huh?

The same reader who told me when Why-KEY-Leaks came out, as a government contractor, everyone had to sign a document saying they would never go to the website. I figured they did that to keep valuable government contractors from being caught in the honeypot trap.

But most likely they did that to plant the Wikileaks seed in their minds so they would go there if they had anything they wanted to leak.

Insidious huh?

This FortiGuard thing doesn't block my Blogger website. Not yet anyway. Just all the Bitchute videos I post. They block everything from Bitchute because Bitchute doesn't censor like YouTube and Twitter and Facebook.

This is the world we live in, where certain thoughts and ideas are routinely censored by our corporate overlords and we just accept it, find ways around it, get on with our lives as the world darkens a little more each day.

Insidious huh?

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