Saturday, June 29, 2024

Jill Biden is No Nancy Reagan: She's a Crass Opportunist Who Wants to Stay in Power

Jill Biden is the one keeping Joe Biden in office and in the race, I'm willing to bet my rep on it. With Joe incapacitated it's Jill running the show and she likes it. What happens when he retires terrifies her. She doesn't want to be out of the limelight and stuck somewhere with a partner who poops in a diaper and acts like a child all day. Jill runs the day to day stuff in the White House and holds the keys to access the president. And she likes it. Jill is the one in the way of him withdrawing from the election, I would bet on it.

 CNN Jill helps Joe off stage

ABC Jill and Joe

CBS Nancy and Ron

She watched over him like a mama grizzly. When he was in the hospital after being shot, and again when he underwent cancer surgery, she grilled his doctors relentlessly until they gave her the information she demanded. Her stepfather was a doctor and she knew enough medical terminology that doctors couldn’t bluff her.

She knew Reagan had dementia before he officially informed the world (which he did after he left office) and monitored his public and private appearances so he wouldn’t overtire himself and make mental errors. It was Nancy’s idea, not his own, that he should meet with Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev and achieve a historic arms-control treaty.

Nancy became famous for “the gaze,” the adoring way she looked at her Ronnie every time they were in public, as if he was the most wonderful person she had ever seen, which probably is the exact way she felt about him. He returned her adoration, confiding to his posthumously published diary that he dreaded the possibility that she might die first.

Reagan will never be my favorite president, nor Nancy my favorite First Lady. But there’s no doubt the love they shared was genuine and lifelong. Angela Stockton


How did Nancy Reagan treat her husband, Ronald Reagan, during his presidency? Like he was a god and she was his pit bull.


  1. This is not without precedent. Woodrow Wilson's wife kept the presidency going after he suffered a debilitating stroke.

  2. Never heard of Lady Macbeth, huh? aka Lady McBitch.
    Josephine was in charge in paris while Little Nappy was off 'conquering' the world.

    With all the dirt on Disney out there gotta be skores of clips past 1-2 years on their skid, turns out it's Paramount that's imploding the worst so far.
    $500MM cuts coming.
    Hollywood PANIC as BROKE studio plans MASSIVE LAYOFFS and SELLS off PIECES of the company!
    Adam Post

  3. 2day's Cuppa Joe trivia, with hilarity.

    Joe reminisces about "riding the rails"!
    ‘OFF THE RAILS’: Electric trains stall in summer heat
    Fox News

    Couldn't possibly have been an e-train, since those like every other e-powered vehicle don't work worth a shit in the heat OR the cold.

  4. Is The US Deceiving Its Enemies? | “We Sent Israel 14,000 MK-84 1,000KG Bombs Since 7/10!”
    Mahmood OD | محمود عودة
    13K views 19 hours ago

  5. Wait, so now we're believing that not only the puppet-figureheads have serious power, and free will, in their ceremonial theatrical roles... but that their spouses, do, too? (And let's not forget the fact that Nancy and her square-jawed Airhead only remained in the political spotlight as long as they did because Daddy Bush's attempt to pull a JFK, on Ronnie, failed). I'd say that the fact that Biden has been in office as long as he has, and that Trump is still on the scene, too, reflects the Reality that the masters they both serve have a plan that requires that set of circumstances (eg, discrediting traditional human-puppet-based politics in order to create a crisis that helps to usher in Government by Algorithm, along with UBI and the Social Credit gulag they've been beta testing in China). Certainly, Daddy Bush, as mentioned above, was more than a figurehead, but Biden? Biden is a golem and a fall guy. Whatever his wife wants, she only gets if it doesn't conflict with what the masters want. Or are we entertaining the possibility that the Normies were right, all along, in thinking that their votes counted and were actually sort of steering the ship? Which is, by far, the least likely possibility to consider.
