Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Jake Sullivan Statement on Biden War-Crime Peace Plan - It's All Hamas' Fault

by Scott Creighton

President Biden's 'peace plan' is anything but.

The plan includes a built-in scheme to allow Israel to continue to occupy 'unpopulated' areas of Gaza while it says absolutely nothing about the Two-state solution Biden and his people have been supposedly pushing since this thing began. That's 'off the table' as they say. It's 'everything from the river to the sea will be Israel'

Gee I wonder why the Palestinians have a problem with it.

The other problem with the plan is... the Israelis will be allowed to 'retaliate' anytime anywhere if and when Hamas strikes Israel. What's wrong with that? Israel has a long history of using sell-out Palestinians to go into Gaza and launch some BS homemade rocket at a designated time and place, which will be recorded by Israeli press, and then used to justify a 'retaliatory' strike by Israel.

Yet there is no mention of Hamas having any such right in the plan if Israel strikes first.


Israel will NOT adhere to any deal. We know that. They never do. They will get what they want, a few hostages back they can flout to their rioting population and then they will scrap the deal immediately in favor of bombing more innocent Palestinian children.

Israel wants to steal the land and build settlements and casino resorts on it. Bibi held up a map of the 'New Middle East' two weeks before Oct 7th 2023 showing Israel and Palestine combined into one nation... Israel. They want to wipe Palestine off the map and they don't care how many Palestinians or Israelis for that matter have to die for it to happen.

As I have stated before, Biden is run by neocons in his administration. Neocons and servants of the MIC. He sent a Salvador Option expert over to Israel to help them learn how to best deal with an 'insurgency' which is how they see the government of Gaza now... since of course, they see Gaza as Israel.

What did Glynn teach them? He taught them to use death squads punish the civilians to the point where they themselves will get rid of the 'insurgency' or ... Hamas. You know, like those crazed settlers the IDF recruited in the West Bank to terrorize and kill Palestinians until the US had to tell em enough was enough? Shit like that.

Target, kidnap, torture, starve, beat, burn... civilians. That's what he taught them. That's what Biden's guy taught the most moral army in the world 10 days after Oct 7th 2023.

And that's what they have been doing ever since.

Now that Gaza is on the verge of complete and total destruction and the covetous Zionists in Israel and elsewhere are so close to seeing their 100-year-old bloody wet-dream come to fruition, it is childish and infantile to believe somehow President Biden is a good faith actor in the negotiation process. 

To that end I present to you Jake Sullivan lying to the press about pretty much everything he said.

He claims Israel accepted the peace proposal. They did not.

He claims Hamas has not responded regarding the deal. They have.

'Hamas may choose to let the war and suffering continue. That wouldn't be terribly out of character for any vicious and brutal terrorist group'

Are you kidding me?

Hamas accepted a peace deal back in March and was very public about it. With regard to this one they have OPENLY STATED it is fine AS A START POINT FOR FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS but some things have to be addressed (like what I mentioned above)

Netanyahu has flat out said he will not accept the deal. Period. If he did, the far-right Zionist freaks in his coalition will immediately withdraw and Bibi himself will be out of office. That's too say nothing of the fake 'reservist' video claiming they will kick off a civil war in Israel if Bibi signs the deal.

And of course back in March, the Zionists did not accept the deal.

All of what I just wrote is public knowledge and can be found easily (on my website for example) which means, the Biden White House is just LYING on behalf of Glorious Israel. So what else is new?

And who exactly are the terrorists anyway. I would say the folks using force to change the political structure of Gaza would be the terrorists especially when you consider they have already killed over 15,000 children to do it.

Also keep in mind, Biden, when he announced this 'deal', claimed that if Hamas signs away the sovereignty of Gaza to the bloody terrorists who have been coveting it their entire lives, then '600 trucks a day are ready to come in and deliver aid to the people of Gaza'

What does that mean? 

It means Biden just admitted the Israelis have been deliberately withholding aid to the people of Gaza in order to starve them out of their homes.

Biden just admitted Glorious Israel committed yet another war-crime using starvation of civilian population as a tool of regime change.

As I said when this fake peace plan first came out, it's a sham they intended to use to paint Hamas as the obstacle to peace when everyone knows it's the covetous Zionists and Bibi trying to keep himself out of prison.

This bullshit statement from Sullivan proves it.

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