Saturday, October 5, 2024

The IDF Tried to Hide Effectiveness of Iranian Attack: But the Truth Will Out

by Scott Creighton




We know Iran is not seeking to build any nuclear weapons. Nukes are used for one thing and one thing only: the indiscriminate murder of civilians by the tens of thousands. Iran's recent retaliatory strike against Israel's military and intelligence assets further bear this out. They are bound by their humanity. Israel, however, is not.

Neither are we for that matter.

We were told by Western media and Israeli sources that nearly all incoming Iranian missiles were intercepted by the IDF and U.S. defensive missile batteries. Iron dome sucks and so does the Patriot system. Here is your evidence.

The Israelis currently enjoy a modicum of apathy from their population. This is born of a number of things. 

Surrounded by so-called 'orcs', the Jewish Israelis need to feel untouchable in order to continue with their daily lives. That's why they flip out so much when something even remotely threatening comes their way.

As long as they are able to continue with their relatively comfortable lives, what do they care about the Zionists' Greater Israel ambitions?

However, when rockets start raining down on their cities and their Iron Dome looks like it's made of tissue paper, watch how quickly they become activists demanding an end to the conflict. Or not.


This is why it's been so hard finding images of what really happened on Oct 1st in Glorious Israel. The liars need to keep the public from seeing just how vulnerable they really are.

I am going to show you a series of images. Some are of what the Iranians targeted. Others, what Israel routinely targets. You decide which is which.

Can you figure out which are which? I bet you can. Come on, it's easy.

Israel claims they will retaliate for the attack. They claim a nuclear power plant is a legitimate potential target. The risk of civilian casualties in such an attack is somewhere around 100%

But Israel doesn't care. They are deliberately escalating the conflict in order to prolong it for political reasons: theirs and ours.

"Whether (Netanyahu is) trying to influence (our) election, I don’t know - but I’m not counting on that.” President Biden

' Democrats increasingly suspect Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to interfere in U.S. domestic politics by ignoring President Biden’s calls to negotiate a peace deal in Gaza and by confronting Hezbollah and Iran weeks before the U.S. election.' The Hill

Yet the Israelis are finding they need to admit to some of the damage caused by the Iranian attack else they will lose all credibility.

In a year, Israel has used U.S. taxpayer supplied weapon of mass destruction to murder nearly 17,000 children in Gaza while making another 26,000 into orphans.

And now Glorious Israel seeks to inflict the same kind of devastation to Lebanese and Syrian civilian infrastructure in order to keep the Greater Israel dream alive.

As we know, Israel will retaliate against the Israelis after they clean up what's left of their air-force. Then Iran will attack Israeli energy and electricity facilities, leaving the Israeli citizens blundering about, afraid in the dark.

Then, perhaps, the Israelis will start to give a shit about what their genocidal Zionist leaders are doing in their name across the Middle East.

Perhaps then and only then, when it hurts the Jewish state's inhabitants a little, will they start to push back on their leaders and force them to say enough is enough.

But that remains to be seen. 

I thought they would have kicked monster Netanyahu to the curb 10 months ago. So what do I know.

Maybe every Jewish Israeli is a monster to. Guess we'll find out soon enough.









  1. Headline here dated sept29 interesting for several reasons. Note it's between Nasrallah 27th sept and the hypersonic retaliation .

    Seems to validate this extreme urgency because maybe the arrogant ***holes really did get caught with those FIFTY (according to Ritter) F-35's caught "safe" inside their hardened above-ground bunkers and possibly some in revetments?

    Possibly why Nutty Buddy was so visibly shakin' all over in that one vid, right after likely that opening hypersonic attack wave (no need to send drones ahead to forewarn and use up the g/a rounds, also because admitted jordan was in complicity with us warships were shooting them down as the drones came thru their airspace from iraq)
    The very ones just days b4 dropping those 2000 pounders.

    Also, that Dr. Doctor(ow) character (check his CV where he's spent is career) claims they got nasrallah SEP27 with overkill (!) by not just dropping those 80? claimed 2000 pounders all in that one place, but id'd and guided all the way by us awacs a/c.

    BTW, now there's already press oct5 am could be just propaganda that the Hezzie leader replacement is 'missing'? days now!:

  2. map here shows IAF strikes Lebanon week sep 21- 27, then separate sep28 dots which would be the day after they got nasrallah.
    1500 hezzie fighters "afffected" admitted by them from those pagers.
    Rest of the 3000 appx. affected were civilians, including many doctors, first responders, etc.
    5000 pagers were in that batch run, so rest were turned off, or maybe not worn (off shift), or possibly the battery (single AA usually) was out because luckily they were using/charging a Ni-Cad AA rechargeable, which is only 1.25V but will work, just that its weak point isit goes dead suddenly, not weak gradually like a throwaway Zn-C AA.

    electronic intifada
    Hizballah rockets, drones attack key military and intelligence bases, with Jon Elmer

  3. Not trying to hide this.
    29 minutes
    Israeli Soldiers Aren't Hiding Their War Crimes - They're BOASTING About Them w/. Richard Sanders
    Owen Jones
    88K views 20 hours ago

  4. President B.O.B's take.
    “Hit the nuclear first, worry about the rest later”: Trump’s take on Iran’s nuclear weapon amid war
    ANI News
    19K views 10 hours ago

  5. Just found this out.
    the F-35 used there is a SPECIAL marque made just for them by Uncle Schlemiel, the one with the open cheque book.
    Called the F-35I "Adir".
    All kinds of videos up, most under 1 year old.

    one example:
    Why Israel Is the Only Nation With "SPECIAL" F-35 Stealth Fighters
    Top Defense

  6. Here's one 2yearsold needs updating.

    Here’s How Israel's 'Iron Dome' Stops 90% of Rockets
    Interesting Engineering
    4.3M views 2 years ago
