Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Why I Banned Yardie247

Congress is prepping 1/2 billion bucks for anti-China propaganda while the CIA is running it's clandestine China Mission Center to do the same thing across the fake political divide in alternative communities. They both represent a unipolar world view we call the New World Order. I have long since opposed the NWO and all it stands for and I am not about to change now because it is politically convenient. 


Cave Crusher https://cavecrusherreturns.substack.com/p/mi6-the-guardian-stenographers-irrelevant?utm_source=cross-post&publication_id=898408&post_id=118499715&isFreemail=true&utm_campaign=898408&utm_medium=email

American Prospect https://prospect.org/politics/congress-proposes-500-million-for-negative-news-coverage-of-china/

HR 4521 https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/4521

S 429 https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/429/text

Helsinki Times https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/china-news/21091-a-500-million-dollar-business-america-s-state-sponsored-anti-china-propaganda.html

People's Daily http://en.people.cn/n3/2021/1021/c90000-9910045.html

CIA https://www.cia.gov/stories/story/cia-makes-changes-to-adapt-to-future-challenges/

CIA Factbook https://www.zalora.com.ph/simon-schuster-the-cia-world-factbook-2022-2023-by-central-intelligence-agency-trade-paperback-current-events-n-a-2819224.html

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  1. This guy asks a very pointed question here.

    A #1: Because somebuddy in the Swamp grifter category/occupation is now being HEAVILY & i mean heavily blackmailed to do JS??
    That highly delayed & likely highly 'diluted' Epswine calendar release might be the crack in the floodgate compared to what they really have.
    Double for Punter's Mactop, or maybe that rumored 2nd one out there in someone's hands.

    A #2: Sumbuddy has deep insiider knowledge of some fearsome retribution that would come this time, something just to put a scale on it that would be a few orders of magnitude bigger than the missile retribution meted out on Mr. T. in early January/2020.

    Tanker Niovi Seized by Iran | 2nd Tanker Captured | Why No Response by the U.S. & World Navies?

  2. See this?
    The absolute root of the problem clearly identified---there's not enuf ethics rules to ride herd on all those Swamp-infesting grubby grifters.
    So easy.

    Are New Ethics Rules Needed as Gorsuch, Roberts & Thomas Face Questions over Finances?
    Demoncracy Now (or never?)

  3. He's everywhere!
    Another one in the same category of hysteria as the party balloons and the Solomons.
    For a walking bear, that Pooh sure does get around!

    Myanmar Came up another story earlier today in a list of countries NOT invited to Evil Chuckie's gala.
    Even i was unaware of anything there; maybe more news from east i am reading now would have showed this.

    So it's this little island chain offshore, but huge shoreline mileage. So Pooh is just buying up some beachfront b4 the price goes up!:

    Gravitas : Is China building a spy base in Myanmar's Great Coco Island?
    WION (C No News INDIA)


    1. https://min.news/en/world/f699e56965c3c51acc9d125b60be6d77.html
      China's Yunnan Province, India, Sri Lanka, and Malacca are firmly surrounded by the Coco Islands, which makes the Coco Islands the throat of the Andaman Bay. In addition, the Coco Islands is a necessary route to the Strait of Malacca, and it can be said to have a very important strategic position.

      Reason here that the royals are still in a snit over their former colony. So obviously Myanmar wasn't on speaking terms with Evil Chuckie's mom, and neither was he!:

      Myanmar is an ancient civilization with a long history like China. During the sixty years from 1824 to 1885, Burma suffered three successive wars of aggression launched by Britain, and was finally occupied by Britain in 1885. The following year, he was forced to divide into a province of British India.
