Monday, October 7, 2024

Once Again the Nobel Committee Rewards Those Seeking Methuselah-like Longevity for Masters of the Universe

by Scott Creighton

The Nobel committee has given yet another award to researchers trying to figure out how to beat aging using mRNA technology. It's a trend for them.

'Scientists Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun have won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of microRNA and its role in gene regulation... Last year’s medicine prize was awarded to the runaway favourites Katalin Kariko, a Hungarian scientist, and US colleague Drew Weissman, for discoveries that paved the way for COVID-19 vaccines that helped curb the pandemic.' al Jazeera

Gene regulation translates to stopping cellular aging. Stopping aging.


'Ruvkun discovered the mechanism by which lin-4, the first microRNA (miRNA) discovered by Victor Ambros, regulates the translation of target messenger RNAs via imperfect base-pairing to those targets, and discovered the second miRNA, let-7, and that it is conserved across animal phylogeny, including in humans. These miRNA discoveries revealed a new world of RNA regulation at an unprecedented small size scale, and the mechanism of that regulation. Ruvkun also discovered many features of insulin-like signaling in the regulation of aging and metabolism' Wikipedia
'The Ruvkun lab established that these genes constitute an insulin like receptor and a downstream phosphatidylinositol kinase that couple to the daf-16 gene product, a highly conserved Forkhead transcription factor. Homologues of these genes have now been implicated in regulation of human aging... The Ruvkun lab has used full genome RNAi libraries to discover a comprehensive set of genes that regulate aging and metabolism' Wikipedia

When I was first introduced to Katalin Kariko I saw her on some interview around the time the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA jabs were coming out for Covid-19. She was hailed as the immigrant hero woman who was going to save the world with her gene therapy technique to stop the dreaded Rona.

Turns out her discovery as used by Pfizer and Moderna did no such thing. They killed people while doing absolutely nothing by way of stopping the Covid-19 outbreak. This is historical fact.

But she won the award then and now these guys are winning one for making a discovery which is used by the mad scientists doing these experiments which allows for an even more precise targeting of various cells with the mRNA treatments.

When I saw Kariko talking in that interview, near the end of it she said this type of treatment had no limitations and that eventually they could even use it to halt the process of aging.

That was the last time they let her do an interview for quite some time given that it's never good to tell the test subjects what the experiments are really trying to achieve. Especially since the common folk aren't going to benefit from the results.

'What’s more, the daf-2 insulin signaling pathway, it turns out, helps control the worms’ life span (). “So we surmised that insulin might regulate aging in people, too,” Ruvkun says. Other researchers are now finding that similar human genes in the insulin-signaling pathway, including key gene switches, are mutated in centenarians, suggesting that a key to mimicking the Methuselah-like longevity of the worms might lie buried within the insulin signaling pathway in people. Yet another key, Ruvkun says, emerged from an RNA interference screen that his team performed, scotching the production of essential cellular proteins to assess the impact on the worms’ longevity. For example, inactivating the worms’ ribosomes—cells’ protein synthesizing factory—leads to longer-living worms...

The jury on caloric restriction is still out, but Ruvkun says the answers to the mystery of human aging might lie elsewhere.Time will tell whether Ruvkun’s work might lead to approaches to extend human life.' NIH

The 'Methuselah-like Longevity' for Masters of the Universe. Can't make this stuff up folks. 

The jabs did nothing to help with Covid-19 and in fact studies found people were more likely to catch it after having them than those who refused to take part in this massive experiment.

I have shown you several videos of 'elites' like Harari and Musk talking about these things eventually leading to the end of aging for our glorious leaders.

Dr. Campbell (and I in the past) recently had a guest on talking about how all these batches of jabs are different and having different adverse effects on the people foolish enough to take them.

I posited quite a while ago that the reason for this observable result was because they were targeting different systems with different jabs.

You see, you can take all the Ozempic and TRT you want to get a body that LOOKS younger, but as RFK Jr.'s push-ups demonstration makes clear, looking younger doesn't mean you are younger (he did 6 with a 70-year-old body that looks 26)

That's because the rest of the systems in his body are STILL 70-years-old.

Which brings us to the epigenetic reprogramming of aging. This is what the great Covid-19 psyop has been about from the beginning. Yes of course there are other, cross-purposed agenda items on the menu. But in the end, they want MORE LIFE and were/are willing to develop a pandemic, unleash it on the world, silence critics of their efforts, inact policies to protect the virus and then produce the perfect scenario with which they can convince or coerce all the little people of the world to take their experimental jabs while they look to unravel the mysteries of human aging.

' A former Google engineer has made a stark realization that humans will achieve immortality in eight years - and 86 percent of his 147 predictions have been correct.' Daily Mail

Watch my video on Methuselah 2030 from March of 2023.

The message being sent by the Nobel committee is clear: they will reward those scientists who advance the Methuselah 2030 project in every way possible.

Of course they are still pushing the Rona jabs in spite of the fact that it's very well known they do nothing to prevent Covid-19. Only thing is, most alt-journalists wont ask 'why?' beyond the obvious money answer.

The jabs aren't making them money anymore. That phase has passed. But they are still pushing them nearly as hard as they were at the start back when people were scared of a flu bug and still thought these things would help.

So why?

Why the different batches?

Dr. Campbell seems to think it's due to imperfections in manufacturing.

That is silly. He should know better than that.

It's because they are still searching. Still looking for that divinity spark. Still looking to unravel the mysteries of human aging, system by system, cell by cell.

Imagine: Methuselah-like longevity for the masters of the universe, our glorious leaders. Ageless, like vampires, ruling over us with no worries about the limits of natural life. This is the ultimate prize of Covid-19 and it's quietly playing out right before our eyes.

So the Nobel committee has honored yet another Renfield. Yet another Dr. Frankenstein. While we mice are busy running the maze for em.


  1. Still won't help save their uber-servant class like the late Henry the Grinning Crocodile,.
    Kicking off like flies the past decade.
    Scoured the entire earth they did, looking for that last remaining pterosaur hiding somewhere in the Asian rain forests so they could harvest its gizzard!
    How were they to know that part would be the one to pack it in, after they so thoughtfully replaced their hearts with old rebuilt Ford Edsel oil pumps?
    OR, was that last precious gizzard to go to D.R. or Big News Berzerkski, both whom kicked off several years before Henry?

    1. and this one, on the right.
      photo is about 25 years old now.
