Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Flu Vaccine Might Be Less Effective This Year

from Medscape (H/T T)

The CDC says the influenza vaccine being used this flu season might be less effective than the one used last flu season, based on reports of how well the vaccine is working in five South American countries.

The seasonal flu vaccine cut the risk of hospitalization for high-risk groups by 35% in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, the CDC said. Last flu season, the vaccine had a 51.9% effectiveness in those countries.

Vaccine effectiveness "might be similar in the Northern Hemisphere" if similar flu viruses circulate, according to the federal health agency.

How well the vaccine works in South America, where the flu season runs from April to September, provides an idea of how well the vaccine will work in North America, where the flu season usually runs from October to April.

During the past flu season in North America, the CDC estimated the vaccines were 41%-44% effective in preventing flu-related hospitalization in adults and 52%-61% effective for children...

read more here


  1. A big Nelson "HA-HA"!
    We're blessed with even better biggerer bald-face fff'ing liars than you've got there.
    Anybuddy here seen 1.6% 'flation here past year in real life? Anybody? Bueller?
    NOPE, not even Bueller.

    (Means things are so scary going to $hit here they're blowing desperate obvious lies to "allow" a big rate cut coming).

    Canada's slowing inflation raises odds of bigger rate cut
    CTV News
    1.3K views 1 hour ago


  2. Is not working!
    Is very very not working.
    Perfect excuse for replenishing all that old inventory with some spanking new geegaws from the MIC.

    Disappointing Systems in Ukraine - From imprecise precision munitions to explosive IFVs
    603K views 1 month ago

  3. Warming up for the FF episode maybe, arranging for some friendly fire amero "casualties" while protecting their chosen buddies??
    Supposedly only 100 for now, all involved in operating/protecting these THAAD sites.

    Col. Macgregor 1 week ago b4 milton let out slip that 80-90% of US w/w aerial refueling fleet is in M.E./Med region.
    I wonder who/what they're planning on refueling? LOL.
    BUT he didn't speculate or specify WHERE these assets would be flying from that would need refueling, nor why they would need this many.
    Bringing up from that clue the obvious that any hit could be dozens of F-35's maybe even some from us carriers offshore levant, PLUS those flying from....RAF Akrotiri Cyprus?
    Akrotiri to Teheran----1050 miles
    Telaviv to Teheran-----only 360 miles!

    John Mearsheimer Reveals: US's THAAD Joins The War After Israel's HUMILIATING Defeat
    ام همس للخياطة والتفصيل
    3.3K views 2 hours ago oct15

    1. Exact math breakdown here timestamp by brian several minutes on the THAAD w/w, how many Raytheon has ever made, how many can fire per battery (only 1 battery being sent here)...

      US-Israel Inch Toward Wider, More Dangerous War
      48 minutes
      The New Atlas

    2. AGAIN, no mention anywhere still in anyone's analysis but this from 7 YEARS ago!
      They're already there.
      So, WTF exactly were they all doing there during that OCT 1 180 missile swarm, playing World Champ Poker online??

      US opens first permanent military base in Israel By Ellen Mitchell - 09/18/2017.715 07:41 PM EDT;
      Israel and U.S. officials on Monday inaugurated the first permanent American military base in the country, which will house dozens of U.S. troops and a missile defense system.
      The base will be located within the Israel Defense Forces Air Defense School in southern Israel, near Beersheba, Defense News reported.

  4. OCT13 drone hit on that Golani brigade base at lunch.
    Says drone is $20K, uses a 2-cycle, 4-cylinder modified german designed OTS mini-engine, but it's a chinee knock-off!
    That Mr. Pooh gots more 'splainin' to do!

    How Hezbollah Drone Evades Israel Air Defense? #israel #hezbollah
    9 minutes
    924K subscribers
