Sunday, March 2, 2025

‘Everybody is tired. The mood has changed’: the Ukrainian army’s desertion crisis

(I saw a video of some influencer wannbe talking about the Zelensky dust-up from his car this morning. He was so upset. Said NOW the world sees the U.S. as 'the bad guys' because Orange Man Bad hurt Voldermort's (I know) feelings. Dude stuffed 10 ad breaks in his little 10 minute rant of pure unadulterated ignorance. Funny thing is... he and all his virtue signalling ilk are literally arguing for MORE WAR right alongside Voldermort (I know) and he doesn't see the irony there. Even the damn Ukrainians want out of this war and I don't care how many times Voldermort lies about how his soldiers love fighting and dying for the neoliberal regime in Kiev. They are RUNNING AWAY by the brigades. They are being rounded up on the streets and stuffed into vans and taken to the front to die for Visa and DIIA. And our virtue signalling left screech endlessly (because it pays so well) in support of more war. Remarkable)

from The Guardian

When Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine three years ago, Viktor* was ready to die for his country. He volunteered to defend Kyiv as enemy tanks appeared and joined Ukraine’s armed forces. In the spring of 2023 he was fighting in the village of Tonenke, near the eastern city of Avdiivka. “When I arrived I was super-motivated. If necessary I would give my life,” he recalled.

Gradually, however, he became disillusioned. The battle was furious. “The Russians would smash our positions to the ground,” he said. Senior Ukrainian commanders gave unrealistic orders. Then, while he was defending a ruined building, a panel fell on his shoulder. After receiving injections to reduce the pain, he was told to return to the front. “I realised I’m nobody. Just a number,” he said.

In May that same year, Viktor left his position to seek further medical treatment. He did not come back. His commander marked him down as awol. Viktor is one of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers who have abandoned their units. The exact figure is a military secret, but officials concede the number is large. They say it is understandable, when tired troops have served for months without a proper break.

The issue of desertion has made headlines in Ukraine. Last week the government launched an investigation into the 155th Mechanised Brigade. Fifty-six soldiers disappeared while training in France. Hundreds of others are said to be missing. The unit’s commander, Dmytro Riumshyn, was arrested. He faces 10 years in jail for failing to carry out his official duties and to report unauthorised absences...

read more here

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