Monday, March 4, 2024

‘Uncommitted’ voters unite against Biden ahead of Super Tuesday

(Don't you dare cast a vote for Biden on Tuesday. Leverage is always a finite asset. It lasts only so long. Send the message now that he gets no support in Nov. if he doesn't put an end to Bibi's War. Folks who chirp...'but...but...but...TRUMP!?!?' are trying to manipulate you. A vote of 'uncommitted' now has nothing to do with Trump winning his primary and even less to do with the general election in Nov. At this pivotal moment a vote for Biden is a vote for genocide. Period.)

from RT

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest socialist organization in the US, has urged primary voters to cast their ballots for ‘uncommitted’ rather than President Joe Biden to show their opposition to his stance on the Israel-Hamas war. 

The announcement comes just two days before the primary elections on March 5 – known as Super Tuesday – when millions of Americans are expected to vote. 

In a series of X (formerly Twitter) posts on Sunday, the DSA, which has more than 92,000 members and chapters in all US states, demanded that the White House end the bloodshed in Gaza by revoking military assistance to Israel, saying Biden will be to blame if former President Donald Trump is reelected this year. 

“Today, DSA endorses ‘Uncommitted’ in the remaining Democratic presidential primaries. Until this administration ends its support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza and delivers a permanent, lasting ceasefire, Joe Biden will bear the responsibility for another Trump presidency,” the organization said, adding that “defeat is certain” if Biden continues on the current course...

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