Sunday, March 31, 2024

Biden Claims Arab States Are Ready to Recognize Israel

from Sputnik News

Significant progress in defusing the Hamas-Israel conflict "remains elusive" given Tel Aviv's irreconcilable stance on a Palestinian state, Dr. Imad Salamey, an associate professor of political science and international affairs at the Lebanese American University, told Sputnik.

Speaking at a recent campaign event in New York, US President Joe Biden announced the willingness of Arab nations to recognize the Jewish state, but remained mum on the status of a Palestinian state.
"I’ve been working with the Saudis and with all the other Arab countries, including Egypt and Jordan and Qatar. They’re prepared to fully recognize Israel. There has to be a post-Gaza plan, and there has to be a trade to a two-state solution. It doesn’t have to occur today. It has to be a progression and I think we can do that," Biden said.

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  2. LOL.
    Hoisted by his own petard (hypocrisy).

    Jon Stewart was recently found to have overvalued his Tribeca duplex by more than 800 percent when he was selling it back in 2014. The embarrassing revelation comes after the comedian used Monday’s episode of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show to claim Trump was “lying” when valuing his own properties.

  3. In the mold of news too impossibly stoopid to be true, thus it must be and is, is this news of the latest F-35 delay.

    Amazing parallel to the auto industry, Ford specifically, where they are parking thousands of built but unsold F-150's at/in that speedway, OKC IIRC. Becuz the dealers' lots are full, too!
    The Warzone says that completed F-35s are being parked as soon as they come off the production line due to ongoing delays in the Tech Refresh-3 (TR-3) hardware configuration.

    It notes that configuration underpins the F-35’s future capabilities, collectively known as Block 4,
    US cranks F-35 production in a losing race with China
    US finally approves full-rate production of the advanced stealth fighter but the numbers gap with China will only grow
