Saturday, March 30, 2024

Oh look. They're Starting to Figure It Out

by Scott Creighton

Little Entitled Randie and Bill Maher have figured out that there's been something rotten in Denmark for some time now. 

Yep. There has always been an agenda hiding behind the imposition of the mRNA fake vaccines and folks are just now coming to that conclusion. Too late though since the next once in a century plandemic is right around the corner (see WHO Pandemic Treaty for a timeline)

They want to live forever folks. They want to code the human condition. They want a worker caste and a soldier caste while allowing for the fortunate ones born to privilege to live nice healthy lives for 200+ years and they've been promised by the likes of Bill Gates that they only need a couple billion test subjects and a little time with no oversight to 'get her done'


Here's Rand Paul explaining how he sees that there is some other agenda at play. 

Now take a look at Bill Maher segment where he FINALLY notices that all the 'mistakes' that were made add up to... not mistakes at all. Or at least he should make that connection. The following is from The Vigilant Fox

 “A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be CORRECT.” This includes, but is not limited to: 

  1. COVID came from a lab (Tblisi Georgia Lugar Center)
  2. Ivermectin worked 
  3. Masks offered no benefit and were harmful 
  4. Should have never kept kids out of school 
  5. Natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity 
  6. Long COVID is often a symptom of long vax (Long Covid is a myth)
  7. Hospitals murdered COVID patients 
  8. COVID fatality rate and death count were highly inflated 
  9. Unvaccinated were scapegoated for the failure of the shots 
  10. Early treatment was suppressed to make way for a “vaccine” 
  11. Risks of the jab were intentionally hidden from the public 
  12. Vaccine mandates are wrong 
  13. More shots = more risk of infection 
  14. COVID shots are neither safe nor effective

(Don't forget... the DoD contracted Moderna to get ready to mass produce mRNA 'vaccines' (it's what Moderna was made for) then the DoD made Sars Cov-2 in Georgia (nation) under DTRA contract thru Fauci's NIAID contract with EcoHealth Alliance. Then Trump used the DoD (Operation Warp Speed) to shuttle all those experimental jabs to the waiting public.)


Here's Yuval Noah Harari talking about how they are so close to stopping aging, becoming immortal and becoming Gods. He's a big WEF guy.


And how about Mr. '1st Amendment Hero Billionaire' Elon Musk? Yep. He's got some insight to 'the Big Plan' to.


They have figured out way too late that something else has been on the itinerary since the beginning. Actually, if you take Event 201 into consideration, even before then.

The DoD made Sars-CoV-2 (Covid-19), shipped it over to Wuhan for the Wuhan Games 2019 (Oct) so they could claim (when it was discovered the furin cleavage site was man-made) that it came from our adversary China and then they had Moderna and Pfizer start mass producing the experimental jabs.

They had to lie, intimidate, coerce, mandate and fear-monger the people into getting the experiments into their bodies so the researchers keeping track could fine tune the epigenitic reprogramming shots like some sort of mad scientist would in a basement somewhere.

Science or what we knew about the scientific method was thrown out the window. Dissenters were systematically hunted down and silenced. We were shunned in polite society. Demonized. Doctors, researchers, writers, nurses... all lionized when they regurgitated the accepted narratives (as they changed and morphed over time) while those who dared speak the truth (or even worse suggest folks needed informed consent to hand over bodily autonomy) were shamed, fired and excommunicated.

And looking back, the punished one were the right ones all along. Aw, what a shame the 'mistakes' all worked in the same direction to push untested experimental jabs on the unsuspecting public.

Now a few people have come to understand that there indeed was some other agenda at play.

No shit.

How long til they figure out 1. it came from the DoD and the Lugar Center in Tblisi (not China) and 2. it's all about billionaires trying to figure out how they can live longer in younger and younger bodies?

Maybe they will get there one day in a couple years. We don't have that much time though. And let's see how many of em stick with this new understanding after the next 100 Year Pandemic hits sometime later this year (can't have that election thing happening with Trump still in the running)


  1. Ray of hope this a few days ago.

    Yesterday, a sample of the negotiating text for WHO’s Pandemic Accord was released. If this sample is anything to go by, there is a long way to go before countries reach a consensus.

  2. immune system is being targeted against the MITOCHONDRIA, which of course is a totally different genome (foreign organelle, ring DNA, of which there are an average of 500 stuffed inside EVERY HUMAN CELL, but 10,000 inside every heart cell)) which provides ALL energy (thru ATP energy molecule, whether anaerobic (2), or aerobic (38)).

    Hence the chronic fatigue!
    VIDEOS - Kevin McKernan discusses ribosomal frameshifting, Kevin McKernan's CPAC/ICS-5 Presentation
    only 7 minutes.
    only slightly technical, but important.

  3. Thanks, Scott. It's just great to be reading you once again.
    Victor G.
