Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Key Israeli businesses warn Netanyahu against dismissing Gallant

from al Maydeen English

The Israeli Business Forum has called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to dismiss Security Minister Yoav Gallant and replace him with Gideon Sa’ar, Israeli media reported on Tuesday.

In a statement, the forum, which includes 200 leading companies in "Israel" and represents most workers in the private sector, warned that "firing [Gallant] would weaken Israel in the eyes of its enemies and further deepen public division."

The statement added, "The Prime Minister knows better than anyone that all economic indicators show Israel is heading toward an economic abyss and sinking into a deep recession. The last thing Israel needs right now is the dismissal of a [security] minister, which would destabilize the [entity]."

Similarly, Knesset member and former Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot said in a radio interview that, while he is "no fan" of Gallant, his dismissal was prepared for political purposes to pass the [Haredi] draft law, thus harming the Israeli military."...

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