Thursday, September 19, 2024

What housing plans do US presidential candidates Trump and Harris offer?

(This is the same thing they did in 2003 when they passed the American Dream Downpayment Act so they could get people into Liar Loans and create the Subprime Mortgage Crisis. Only difference is, back then it was $10k per house and this one is $25k and instead of 40k loans per year, Harris' plan seeks to expand it to 1 million. THEY ARE DOING THE SAME THING AGAIN)

from al Jazeera

... A key part of Harris’s plan to ease that burden is a $25,000 down payment assistance for 4 million first-time homebuyers over the course of four years. As long as prospective homebuyers paid their rent on time for the previous two years, they would qualify for the programme.

When Harris first announced the plan, pundits like business icon Kevin O’Leary said it would cause inflation.

“If you give everyone free money, it will just cause inflation,” O’Leary said in an interview with Fox News earlier this month.

read more here

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