Monday, January 22, 2024

Grey State: The Rise is Pure Ayn Randian Neoliberal Globalist Propaganda (archive)

(archived from January 23, 2015)

by Scott Creighton

 When people give money to Bill Gates or Sam Walton, he’s not taking it from you. You’re getting something in return. You’re getting a service, you’re getting a product. There is an organization that does take money from you and that’s the government” Grey State: Rise of Billionaire Hero Worship

Osama bin Laden killed 4,000 people on 9/11. He has paid for that. he’s dead” Grey State: Rise of Sunstein Disinfo

Yes, the fake disinformation sites like Prison Planet and others are finally tipping their hands and showing us all what so many have known and said for years: they are nothing more than Cass Sunstein cognitive infiltration operations designed to make you love what it is that is enslaving you.

Someone just left a comment letting me know that the film Grey State: The Rise has been released in a rough cut version. You might recall the director of this “film” (read as “2 hour commercial for neoliberal globalist ideology”) turned up dead supposedly along with his wife and child in rather suspicious circumstances. That was just a few days ago. Perfect timing for the release of this infomercial for Ayn Randian “let them eat cake” idolatry.

I’ve only watched 5 minutes of the thing and it is absolutely sickening.


It features Di$info Jone$ and Adam Kokesh quite heavily in the first few minutes even quoting the likes of Ludwig Von Mises who was a favorite of folks like Reagan and Maggie Thatcher back when they were setting neoliberal globalization on the path we travel today.

Free market neoliberal ideology is in turmoil. It’s being exposed across the globe as the masters of the universe are failing to achieve the economic full spectrum dominance they demand.

Our glorious fascist leader, in bed with every major corporation via the TPP, TTIP and CISPA backs fascist neo-Nazis in Ukraine and fascist Takfari terrorists in Saudi Arabia while this piece of crap “film” steadily decries the “communists” as the real threat to liberty in America.

The idiots talk about Obamacare and it’s unconstitutional mandate and that’s all well and good, but they turn it on it’s head claiming it’s ‘socialism’ that is at the core of that issue. I guess they forgot Big Business pushed Obamacare and Big Business is benefiting from it.

Us socialists demanded universal single payer healthcare which would have been cheaper and better than the useless profit driven fascist Obamacare.

But distinctions like that are beyond the scope of the makers of this infomercial.

The whole thing is all about “the makers and the takers” as it chastises and demonizes the poor for taking the wealth from the rich. They talk about “ebil Big Gubment” reducing people to utter dependency “and that’s how the Soviet Union had their way with people”

Fucking Luke Rudowski sitting on a couch talking about people living under “communist dictatorships”: “They kill people. They literally shot and killed people who tried to leave Poland”

At one point someone says Stalin killed 60 million, Mao killed 40 and Hitler only 6. I guess those were the Jews. The layers of disinformation in this thing are stunning. Absolutely stunning.

the truth is empowering and sets your free. There is no such thing as government” Adam “disinformation stooge” Kokesh

At one point Kokesh explains “zen libertarianism” talking about the legal structure and the police and the laws and courts all being figments of our imaginations with no more authority than we allow them to have. Not surprising considering his thieving father.

Kokesh is also negotiating with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which accuses him of misappropriating $45 million from investors from his days as a venture capitalist in California. The SEC says this is the first case it has ever brought in New Mexico. Stew Webb

So not only are the fascist neo-Nazi Ukrainians rewriting history, but it seems so is this bunch of globalist loving sycophants.

They even end the film with a quote from Ayn Rand herself. Though they didn’t use this quote:

If you mean who’s side should we be on, Israel or the Arabs I would certainly say “Israel” because it’s the advanced technological civilized country amidst a group of almost totally primitive savages who have not changed for years and are racist who resent Israel because it’s bringing industry and intelligence into their stagnation” Ayn Rand



UPDATE: When I first wrote about the circumstances surrounding the alleged murder of the director and his family, I mentioned how the film’s “Second American Revolution” slogan reminded me of Adam Kokesh and his previous psyop attempt. Turns out, this infomercial repeated features Kokesh.

UPDATE: The first version I posted of this “film” has been taken down due to copyright violation. The claim was put in by Thomas Edward Rice and I believe I saw his name credited with one of the songs played during the film. He claims here that he did some of the soundtrack for the film. I found another copy and replaced it.


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