Saturday, March 9, 2024

Criminalizing Free Speech: The “Pfizer Article”

from Gerald Posner Just the Facts

A bitterly divided French National Assembly last week voted to approve sweeping legislation titled The Bill To Strengthen The Fight Against Sectarian Excesses And Improve The Support Of Victims. Article 4, derisively dubbed the “Pfizer Article” by critics, is the most controversial. It creates a new crime punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison and fines of €15,000 to €45,000 for speech or actions that causes others to “abandon medical care.”

Article 4 almost did not make it into the act. It was the subject of heated debate. It was removed from the bill, then reinstated, initially defeated, then amended, and finally passed by a small margin.

What constitutes criminal behavior under Article 4? This is its text. (see above)

You are not alone if you had to read its provisions a couple of times and still thought it made no sense.  And it is not a problem of having translated it into English. It is as indecipherable in its original French. That’s the point, however. Article 4 is drafted in the broadest possible language, without any restrictions or objective guard rails to trigger its provisions.

Although the word Pfizer does not appear in the legislation, nor does the term mRNA, the often-raucous debate in the National Assembly was largely directed at the anti-vaccine groundswell that had taken root online during COVID. Pharmaceutical companies lobbied behind the scenes for its passage.  Supporters contended the law would ensure public safety in any national health crisis or a future pandemic. It was, said its sponsors, a “required tool to stop the spread of misinformation” that could otherwise undermine government public health policies.

Make no mistake, Article 4 is a template for other governments looking for a legal means of controlling public discourse when it comes to health and medical treatments. Arthur Delaporte, the Socialist Deputy of the National Assembly, celebrated its passage by declaring, “With this article, we are defending science."...

read more here


  1. long ramble pepe here new, but just scan the sidechat lotsa astute peeps asking some very verboten questions and mentioning events very key to going forward!
    like bannon saying a drumpf/rfk ticket was worked out long ago and is the plan! trying to invoke nostalgia for the good ol' days. but both owned pos (plural). like this:

    pepe says at 54min there WAS a port on/at gaza/med, but israel destroyed it early on after oct6.

    Another one asks THE question not 1 of the motormouths dare go near, let alone discuss, and that is "how is it dear leader there was so absolutely, sickeningly lock-step complicit in the world psy-ops lockdown/clotshots?"

    Danny Haiphong
    174K subscribers
    117 minutes

  2. Has to do with exxxactly this huge event here, predicted by some months ago, (BUT HERE FOR A SITTING 'LEADER' NOT JUST AN EX- OUT OF OFFICE THUS NO SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY WHICH WAS SPECIFICALLY PREDICTED) but also for a 2nd BIG reason, also predicted but over 1 year ago, that as the real world real stats of the criminal clotshot psy-ops would start gushing like old faithful, the scum would move accelerate their civil restrictions.
    To note, exxact same leg/agenda here pushed by our little big turd, who also was being noted as one of the biggest names to be hauled into a real war crimes court as soon as he gets his scummy evil ass booted out of office.

    Now, just look at how that telltale federal mp seat byelection went here just days ago!:
    Try to make time to listen to a few snips of any of the recent "Clyde, do something" utube channel canuck blogger.

    BTW, by wild cosmic coincidence, i as typing this was listening to a recent utube docu on hitler's psychopathy, and in it they quote an old known saw that goes " a narcissist is just a psychopath who hasn't yet been caught/convicted/incarcerated"!

    Australian PM First Western Leader Referred to ICC as 'Accessory to Genocide in Gaza'

    More than 100 lawyers endorsed the referral, which points to the military, intelligence, and rhetorical support Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has provided to the Israeli government.

    1. another big news piece here mar6 shows exactly this is what they're leading up to here, same will come for the toxic turd here as happened in oz days ago.

      The Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR) group, along with the Palestinian organization Al-Haq and four individuals, initiated legal action against the Ottawa government to halt Canadian companies from exporting military goods and technology to Israel.

  3. Here's another huge one not 1 motormouth has noted the stark, almost certainly INTENTIONAL parallel this 80 years ago crime to those open-air "holding camps" being built just across the border in egypt to hold ???how many displaced palis.

    Rheinwiesenlager (Rhine Meadows)
    Group of 19 civilian internment enclosures built in Allied-occupied Germany for the detention of former Wehrmacht personnel

    The Rheinwiesenlager were a group of 19 camps built in the Allied-occupied part of Germany by the U.S. Army to hold captured German soldiers at the close of the Second World War.

    The Dark Secret of America's WWII German Death Camps - All That's ...
    At the end of World War II, the U.S. opened camps of its own, where perhaps a million German prisoners died in secret. Wikimedia CommonsA U.S. soldier at Camp Remagen, one of the Rheinwiesenlager camps, guarding thousands of German soldiers captured in the Ruhr area in April
