Saturday, March 9, 2024

Why You Should Be Concerned About the 'Pfizer Article' Bill Even Outside France

The Bill To Strengthen The Fight Against Sectarian Excesses And Improve The Support Of Victims

The bill criminalizes dissent and sharing information with others online during or after a 'crisis' such as the Covid-19 pandemic or more importantly, the 'next one' Bill Gates gleefully referred to a couple years ago. As bad as the language in the bill is for the people of France it might be just as bad for everyone else who lives in a country with an extradition agreement with that nation. It's getting almost no attention right now so I figured I would put this out here in hopes to start some discussion about it. 

The Bill To Strengthen The Fight Against Sectarian Excesses And Improve The Support Of Victims

 Posner article

the bill

techarp 'fact checker'


Why You Should Be Concerned About the 'Pfizer Amendment' Bill Even Outside France


  1. The bill criminalizes dissent and sharing information with others online during or after a 'crisis' such as the Covid-19 pandemic...

    I assume this will cover things like posting pics from a hospital room where a family member/relative is in ic hooked up to a wall full of medical equipment AFTER they got their deadly dose, AND even more egregiously prohibiting any public gopro wand waver citizen from just visiting any hospital and showing how EMPTY they all are at the very time all msm is breathlessly broadcasting about the contagion plague!

    As many very daring private citizens did multiply all over many cities in early 2020 carrying thru to many weeks and even months after the start of lockdown, which of course was sold as "only for 10-14 days".

  2. PILOTS DIED - Air Canada (55 yo Anand Acharya), Delta (58 yo Geoffrey Brock) and Delta (41 yo Michael O'Leary) - three young pilots have died suddenly in past 3 weeks
    Dr. William Makis MD

  3. Further to the point of them moving up their timeline fast, found this note barely remember it out of tens of thousands/year total in all the sectors and niches i try to follow only snag a few very key events/day.
    NOTE this filing is now 2 years on!

    (NaturalHealth365) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director and United States White House
    medical advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has been accused of funding and pursuing dangerous gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan, China, even after U.S. government officials attempted to shut the research down. Now, he and his ilk are being accused of committing crimes against humanity.

    Representing seven applicants on behalf of the British people, a United Kingdom legal team recently filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) accusing major pandemic players of numerous Nuremberg Code violations, including crimes against humanity and war crimes that range from suppressing early therapeutics to engaging in economic and psychological warfare on U.K citizens.

    Dr. Michael Yeadon, one of the seven applicants and former vice president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, has openly expressed his concern over the vax propaganda and mandate madness and announced his jaw-dropping belief that “[COVID-19 booster shots] are going to be used to damage your health and possibly kill you.”

    All told, over a dozen individuals have been listed as defendants in the legal filing with the ICC:
    Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID; Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance; Bill and Melinda Gates; Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer; Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna;
    Pascal Soriot, CEO of AstraZeneca; Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson & Johnson; Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization; Boris Johnson, U.K. prime minister Christopher Whitty, U.K. chief medical adviser; Matthew Hancock, former U.K. secretary of state for Health and Social Care; June Raine, U.K. chief executive of Medicines and Healthcare products; Dr. Rajiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation; Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum

  4. UK NHS Workers all groups Shot Uptake from/Since 1st Out.
    Bar Charts show clear drooping 'compliance' since 2020!
    Note also data taken right from UK ONS (Stats Office) yet after posting on X, ACCOUNT LOCKED OUT.
    Yeah, that e-Lon Munster really is one of those fearless infiltrating mole 'whitehats'!! LOL.
    BUT, ESPECIALLY NOTE AND REMEMBER that this shows "flu shot" uptake, and it is the UK, AND that very damning proof from that UK site put up 1 week ago with the data slide, again from their very own ONS data, showing UK Sickness" count started its meteoric rise in....mid-2019!
    YES, 2019, NOT 2020 NOR 2021. So the goods were absolutely dispensed in those autumn 2018 flu shots, possibly w/w not just uk, just as all those stories circulating early on in the lockdown claimed.
    The UK’s Self-Inflicted Economic DECLINE; MAR5/2023; Economics Help UK (see at 7:50 mark in vid)
    My Take (DR. Makis):
    In the UK, 30.6% of healthcare workers have taken 5 COVID-19 Vaccines (or more).
    Doctors are the most compliant, support staff the least compliant.
    39.5% of doctors have taken 5 COVID-19 Vaccines (or more) versus only 26.6% of support staff.

    1. Interesting timing here 10th expose talking about NZ's raging sick stats.
